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List of Templates

Revision as of 07:15, 16 May 2024 by NWE (Talk | contribs)

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Template Result Comment
{{UBIK}} UBIK® -
{{UBIK Studio}} UBIK® Studio Links to article UBIK® Studio Basics
{{UBIK Client}} UBIK® Client Links to article UBIK® Client Basics
{{UBIK Database}} UBIK® Database Links to article UBIK® Database
{{UBIK Web Service}} UBIK® Web Service Links to article UBIK® Web Service


Template Parameters Comment
{{Category/Studio}} Studio Links to category Studio
{{Category/Client}} Client Links to category Client
{{Category/Server}} Server Links to category Server
{{Category/Android}} Android Links to category Android
{{Category/WinX}} WinX Links to category WinX
{{Category/Web}} Web Links to category Web

Files / Media

Template Parameters Comment
{{FileLink|1|2}} 1 = URL of media, 2 = Description shown Creates a download link IC FileLink Download.png Download Workflow example


Template Parameters Comment
{{Tip/Version|1}} 1 = Tool tip text Creates a information tool-tip entry including a version icon:
{{Tip/Question|1}} 1 = Tool tip text Creates a question tool-tip entry
{{Tip/Info|1}} 1 = Tool tip text Creates a information tool-tip entry
{{Tip/VersionFlag|1}} 1 = Tool tip text Creates a flag tool-tip entry
{{#tip-text: 1 | 2}} 1 = Text, 2 = Tool tip text Creates a common inline tool tip

Structured Items

Template Parameters Comment
{{Item/News|1|2}} 1 = Date, 2 = News text A single news item line
{{Item/Version|1|2}} 1 = Date of release, 2 = Links to Version pages (use above templates) Creates a single version item line
{{Item/ClientFeature|1|2|3|4|5}} 1 = Description, 2 = Android, 3 = WinX, 4 = Web, 5 = Comment Creates a single line for a client feature; possible values for (Android/WinX/Web) are: y = available; n = not available; o = optional; s = special
{{Item/ClientFeatureHeader}} none Creates the header row for a client feature table
{{Item/ConfigFile|1|2}} 1 = Description, 2 = File name, 3 = Web service, 4 = Studio, 5 = Enterprise Server Creates a single line for configuration files overview
{{Item/ConfigFileHeader}} none Creates the header row for the configuration file table
{{Item/TableHeader|1|2|...}} 1 = Header column 1, 2 = Width column 1, ... Creates a table header; odd number parameters specify column titles, its corresponding even parameter the column width
{{Item/TableRow|1|2|...}} 1 = Cell value 1, 2 = CSS class 1, ... Creates a table row; odd number parameters specify cell values, its corresponding even parameter the column CSS class


Version Pages

Template Parameters Comment
{{Version/Android|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z, 2 = Description (optional) Links to page Version x.y (Android) / tab x.y.z
{{Version/Server|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Links to page Version x.y (Server) / tab x.y.z
{{Version/Web|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Links to page Version x.y (Web) / tab x.y.z
{{Version/WinX|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z, 2 = Description (optional) Links to page Version x.y (WinX) / tab x.y.z

Version categories

Template Parameters Comment
{{Category/Version|1}} 1 = x.y.z Adds a category x.y.z to the page
{{Category/Version2|1}} 1 = {{PAGENAME}} Adds a category Version x.y to the page;
use only in Version X.Y - (Server / Android / WinX / Web) pages!
{{Category/VersionXY|1}} 1 = x.y.z Adds a category Version x.y to the page
use only in X.Y.Z category pages!
{{Category/Versions|1}} 1 = {{PAGENAME}} Adds a category Version with sort key xy to a category page;
use only in Version X.Y category pages!
{{Releasenote|1}} (OBSOLETE!!) 1 = Release number Adds a category Release notes to the page

Version Flags

Template Parameters Comment
{{Version/AndroidSince|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Adds
{{Version/ServerSince|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Adds
{{Version/WebSince|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Adds
{{Version/WinXSince|1}} 1 = Full version number x.y.z Adds

Headers / Footers

MediaWiki namespace

Extension: Extension:Header Footer

Page Result Comment
MediaWiki:Hf-nsheader-Category Tag cloud Header for category pages



Template Result Comment
{{PageStatus/Draft}} Inserts a box notifying that this page is a draft and adds Draft category. -


Template Result Comment
{{ReleaseStatus/Beta}} Inserts a box notifying that the described feature is in Beta state. -
{{ReleaseStatus/Discontinued|1}} Inserts a box notifying that the described feature has been discontinued. Parameter 1 can be used to apply additional information.



Template Result Comment
{{Bulk_Editor}} Bulk Editor Links to article Bulk Editor
{{Class_Browser}}} Class Browser Links to article Class Browser
{{Class_Details}}} Class Details Links to article Class Details
{{Code_Editor}} Code Editor Links to article Code Editor
{{Object Editor}} Object Editor Links to article Object Editor
{{Object Explorer}} Object Explorer Links to article Object Explorer
{{Relation_Editor}}} Relation Editor Links to article Relation Editor
{{Workflow_Editor}} Workflow Editor Links to article Workflow Editor


Template Result Comment
{{ACM_Manager}} ACM Manager Links to article ACM Manager
{{Interface_Manager}} Interface Manager Links to article Interface Manager
{{View Test Environment}} View Test Environment Links to article View Test Environment

Data Types

UBIK Property Types

Template Parameters Comment
{{Undefined}} - Link to Undefined
{{Boolean}} - Link to Boolean
{{ByteStream}} - Link to ByteStream
{{SourceCode}} - Link to Source Code
{{DateTime}} - Link to Date/Time
{{Double}} - Link to Double
{{FileReference}} - Link to File reference
{{GeoData}} - Link to Geographic Coordinate
{{Guid}} - Link to Guid
{{Integer}} - Link to Double
{{Text}} - Link to Text
{{XML}} - Link to XML
{{PropertyType | 1 | 2}} 1 = section anchor name
2 = displayed text
Link to Integer

MSDN Data Types

Template Parameters Comment
{{MSDN/Char}} - Link to Char
{{MSDN/Boolean}} - Link to Boolean
{{MSDN/Int32}} - Link to Integer
{{MSDN/Object}} - Link to Object
{{MSDN/Guid}} - Link to Guid
{{MSDN/String}} - Link to String
{{MSDN/XmlElement}} - Link to XmlElement
{{MSDN/XPathDocument}} - Link to XPathDocument
{{MSDN/XPathNavigator}} - Link to XPathNavigator



Template Parameters Comment
{{key press|1|2|...}} 1 = displayed text
2 = displayed text
{{menu_nav|1|2|...}} 1 = displayed text
2 = displayed text
Advanced Settings→Process Model
{{UMM | 1}} Text to be displayed. Displays the UBIK MetaModel box.
{{bullet_full}} - Displays IC Bullet Full.png
{{bullet_full}} - Displays IC Bullet Empty.png
{{bullet_halffull}} - Displays IC Bullet HalfFull.png
{{check mark}} - Displays IC Check Mark.png
{{cross mark}} - Displays IC Cross Mark.png

Tag Cloud

Template Parameters Comment
{{TagCloud|...}} n), exclude = List of excluded categories (not to be used in combination with include) Example see UBIK

Info Graphics

Template Parameters Comment
{{RelationInfo}} title = Description of relation
name = Internal name
namespace = Namespace node
targetleft = Left target type
targetright = Right target type
relationdata = Relation data template
relationdatamc = Relation data MetaClass
targetlefticon = Icon of left target
targetrighticon = Icon of right target
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
{{ReferenceInfo}} title = Description of reference
name = Internal name
namespace = Namespace node
targettype = Target type
targeticon = Icon of target type
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
reference = Name of reference

Tab Pages

Template Result Comment
{{ActivityClose}} <headertabs /> Places the tabs tag into the page at the current position


Template Parameters Comment
{{ActivityInfoBox}} title = Description of activity
name = Internal name
image = Small UI representation
imagecaption = Image description
purpose = For what it is used for
category = Activity category within Workflow Editor
returns = Description of returned object
version = Available since
Example see CreateInstance (Activity)
{{ClassificationInfoBox}} title = Description of classification
name = Internal name
inheritance = Inheritance owner
namespace = Namespace node
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
{{ControlInfoBox}} title = Description of control
name = Internal name
image = Small UI representation
imagecaption = Image description
purpose = For what it is used for
context = Accepted object types
version = Available since
Example see Bulk Editor
{{MetaClassInfoBox}} title = Description of classification
name = Data model name
internalname = Class model name
namespace = Namespace node
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
{{ReferenceInfoBox}} title = Description of reference
name = Internal name
namespace = Namespace node
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
{{RelationInfoBox}} title = Description of relation
name = Internal name
namespace = Namespace node
targetleft = Left target type
targetright = Right target type
relationdata = Relation data template
relationdatamc = Relation data MetaClass
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since
{{RelationDataInfoBox}} title = Description of relation data
name = Internal name
inheritance = Inheritance owner
namespace = Namespace node
purpose = For what it is used for
version = Available since

See also