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View Test Environment

As the name already states, the View Test Environment enables you to test Views, without deploying them via Application Context Management. So it can and shall be used to perform a dry-run of created or modified views, e.g. to check the resulting objects of the different levels. But it can also be used to edit data in a hierarchical way. It not only allows the creation of objects via a context menu according to the view definition, but also the editing of properties of all objects once the changes were released with the UBIK® Compiler.

IC Attention.pngThis control will exclusively display properties that were already compiled into the customizing assembly!
View Test Environment



The control displays the icons as configured on the respective MetaClasses, a small UBIK® logo if non is defined.

Node styles

The same node styles as in the Class Browser control are used.

Node texts

The same node texts as in the Class Browser control are displayed.


Since 3.7.1 the objects that have the SYSCLS_SORTEDITEM classification on them are sorted by their GroupID, followed by their OrderID, followed by their display strings. ViewItems and objects without this classification are now sorted alphabetically by their display strings.


Item Purpose
Select view Select which views should be displayed in the tree; multiple selections possible
Show relations Toggles weather the evaluated relationship for each level should be displayed in the tree

Context menu

Context menu in the View Test Environment

Right click on a node to bring up its context menu:

Item Purpose
Save Saves the object; only appears when the object is changed but not saved yet
Delete Deletes the object
New... If applicable, this will display sub-menu items allowing you to create new objects according to the view definition


Selecting an object in the tree will load its properties into the right area of the View Test window. The controls displayed are the very same as in the Object Editor control.