Last modified on 1 October 2019, at 09:37


Revision as of 09:37, 1 October 2019 by CMO (Talk | contribs) (Connection)



Settings list provides a list of all the settings that control the client environment, giving the user the possibility to display and configure these settings. The settings are ordered according to theme, the part of environment it's responsible for controlling. Within each theme the settings are sorted alphabetically. Mandatory settings are indicated with a * next to the name.

Available settings

All users have at least access to all settings statet in List of settings. Additional settings, namely the AR settings or Demo settings are only available if the regarding plugin is part of the application built.

List of settings

The basic stock of settings includes:

Name Purpose
AuthServerName The name of the server to connect to for user authentication
AuthPortNumber The port number to use when connecting to the authentication server (optional)
AuthProtocol The protocol to use for authentication over the Internet (e.g.: HTTPS).
UBIKAuthContentService The name of the UBIK authentication service
MemoryUsage Whether UBIK® should lazy load or eager load all the content.
Protocol The protocol to use for data communication over the Internet (e.g.: HTTPS)
PortNumber The port number to use when connecting to the content server (optional)
PriorityThreshold Any property with a priority number greater than this integer setting value is regarded as a high priority property and is highlighted when being displayed
UpdateExpirySeconds The number of seconds one has to wait before the same update will be considered necessary. If an update of certain content has just ended successfully and is requested again within the amount of time configured in this setting, the client simply dismisses the new request. However, this setting does not affect Forced Updates in Manual Synchronization Mode.
SyncMode The possible values are Automatic, Manual Commit and Offline. For more details, please refer to Sync Mode.
ShowSystemProperties If set to true, all properties will be displayed; otherwise, only the ones that are marked as visible.
UBIKContextName The UBIK® CONTEXT name
UBIKApplicationName The UBIK® APPLICATION name
UBIKContentService The name of the UBIK® content service
ServerName The name of the server to connect to for fetching content
ExpectSingleSearchResult If checked, single search results will be displayed in the ContentBrowser immediately instead of being shown in the result list. Available since Version 2.5.0 - Android

AR settings

The AR plugin has additional settings:

Name Purpose
CompassOffsetDegrees The offset in degrees to change the magnetic north and therefore the orientation of the device (global setting).
Pose Estimation Systems The different pose estimation systems considered in the Location Manager can be activated or deactivated with this setting.
SpatialiteDbPath The path to the sqlite database containing the routing graph. It will be looked for on the public internal storage (Google calls that the "Primary External Storage"), which is NOT the SD-card.
StandardMapZoomLevel Specifies the zoom level, which should be applied when using the zoom features of the Map View.
DefaultMapZoomLocation Specifies the position, which should be zoomed to when opening the Map View after login.
ContentDistanceFilterThreshold The threshold in meters up to which billboards are displayed in Augmented Reality activities; also influences the scaling of billboards depending on their distance.
NFC Scan Result Type Specifies the type of information, which should be extracted from scanned RFID tags.

Demo settings

Additionally, the demo application and its unique user specific settings are listed as follows

Name Purpose
NumberPropertyEditor Whether to use the normal keyboard or the UBIK Number Pickers for editing numeric properties
CurrentAltitude The (mock) altitude in meters to use in Augmented Reality activities, for non-manual locations (e.g. GPS, since the altutide for this is too inaccurate)
AltitudeOffset The offset in meters to add to the current altitude in Augmented Reality activities (used for configuration of the device height)
ContentDistanceFilterThreshold The threshold in meters up to which billboards are displayed in Augmented Reality activities
SupportIntentTarget The actual Uri / Activity class / app package to be opened as an Android intent when the support action is triggered.
SupportIntentType The type of the target (URI/APP_PACKAGE/ACTIVITY_CLASS) to be opened as an Android intent when the support action is triggered.

Characteristics of settings

Settings have the following characteristics and behavior within the application:

  • Available and editable before and after the login.
  • Changes done before login are applied to the next user who attempts to login.
    • This goes for applying presets as well.
    • After applying a preset, changes of settings are also applied.
    • The settings defined are not just used by the user as new settings configuration, but are merged with the settings the user already has, and are overriding them.
  • Changes after login are saved for the user currently logged in. After logout and new login, they are restored, merged with the settings changed before login if there are some and finally they get applied to the user.
  • If a completely new user attempts to login without defining settings before or loading a preset, the default values of the settings as defined for the respective app are used.

PreSet actions

Load PreSets

The Load PreSet button can be used to Load Presets onto the settings.

Save PreSets

The Save PreSet button that is only available after login, can be used to Save Settings as Presets.


There are several categories of settings, each providing a group of configurable options for (a) specific feature(s).


This initial section in the Profile description contains some general settings.

Name Purpose
AutoBranchSync Denotes whether the automatic branch download below an object will be synchronized automatically or not. It is set to "false" by default.
AutoBranchSyncPeriod Denotes the period for automatic branch synchronization in minutes. Its value is set to "0" by default, when the AutoBranchSync is set to false. Otherwise it should take an other figure.
BranchDownloadSubLevels Denotes which and how many sublevels below a branch should be downloaded. Its value is set to 0 by default, i.e. it does not download lower levels automatically.
Customizing Denote your specific folder for XAMLs that depict how the Content is displayed, here. If, by default, the value is set to i:nil=true, then the specific XAML folder is denoted by the name of the Profile at the bottom of the Profile Description.
ExpertMode This boolean field denotes whether the Metadefinitions are loaded whenever the Profile of the App is loaded anew or not. By default the value is set to false, i.e. the Metadefinitions are only loaded when the Application is initialized the first time, or when all data has been purged.


This section contains properties to denote the internal connection settings of the App.

Name Purpose
Application Denotes the name of the Application that will be run, e.g. one could use YourApp as the name for an Application.
AuthenticationPort Denotes the Port used on the Authentication Server. Default values might be: 443; 777; 888;
AuthenticationProtocol Denotes which Transfer Protocol for Authentication might be used. By default https is used.
AuthenticationServer Denotes the Authentication Server, e.g. could be used.
AuthenticationService Denotes the path on the Authentication Server to the Authentication Service File, e.g. the path might be YourFolder/YourApp/USAM/USAM.svc. In this case the User System Authentication Manager (USAM) is used.
AuthenticationServiceConfig WSHttpBinding (the default value) or BasicHttpBinding. It should be set according to the webservice configuration.
ConnectionTimeOut Denotes the time in seconds when the Connection will be interrupted because of a Timeout. By default 300 is retrieving a Timeout after 5 minutes.
ContentPort Denotes the Port used on the Content Server. Default values might be: 443; 777; 888; Often it is the same port as for the one for the Authentication Server.
ContentProtocol Denotes which Transfer Protocol for the Content might be used. By default https is used.
ContentServer Denotes the Content Server, e.g. could be used. Could be the same server as the Authentication Server.
ContentService Denotes the path on the Content Server to the Content Service File, e.g. the path might be YourFolder/YourApp/CONTENT/UBIKContent.svc. Make sure that the path points to the UBIKContent.svc file.
ContentServiceConfig WSHttpBinding (the default value) or BasicHttpBinding. It should be set according to the webservice configuration.
Context Denotes the name of the Context, e.g. CXT_YourApp_001. This context is specified inside UBIK and all the different Metadefintions are loaded from it.
SignalingServer Denotes the Server for Remote Support.
SyncMode Denotes the Synchronization Mode of the Application. Possible Values are: Online, Offline, Auto; by default the SyncMode is set to Online.


These internal content settings control the behaviors and activities of the content data.

Name Purpose
AutoSaveMode If this boolean field is set true changed Objects will be saved automatically. Otherwise, the User will be asked to save any changes.
ChildPageChildrenPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Content Page Area that is split between the Children of an Object and its Properties. Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 67, i.e. taking two thirds of the Content Page Area to display Children of a given Object.
ChildPagePropertyPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Content Page Area that is split between the Properties of an Object and its Children . Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 33, i. e. taking one third of the Content Page Area to display Properties of a given Object.
DetailsPageChildrenPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Details Page Area that is split between the Children of an Object and its Properties. Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 67, i.e. taking two thirds of the Details Page Area to display Children of a given Object.
DetailsPagePropertyPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Details Page Area that is split between the Properties of an Object and its Children . Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 33, i. e. taking one third of the Details Page Area to display Properties of a given Object.
DocumentInternalMode Denotes whether a Document is truly displayed only inside of the Application, then the boolean field should be set to true. If there should be a preview of the Document available inside the Application only and the Document is to be opened by an external Application, the boolean field should be set to false. By default the field is set to false.
DocumentPageChildrenPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Document Page Area that is split between a Document lying beneath an Object and its Properties. Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 80, i.e. taking 80% of the Document Page Area to display a Document connected to a given Object.
DocumentPagePropertyPortion Denotes the Portion of the visible Document Page Area that is split between the Properties of an Object and a Document belonging to it . Usually the value is between 0 and 100. By default it is normally set to 20, i. e. taking 20% of the Document Page Area to display Properties of a Document belonging to a given Object.
DocumentPagePropertyWidth Denotes the maximum width (in pixels) that Properties of a Document can take when a Document belonging to an Object is displayed. By default the value is 300 px.
EnableSyncLogging Denotes whether a logging of different events, e.g. loading an object, changing a Property on an Object, etc. should take place. By default this boolean field is set to true.
GeoDistanceSorting Denotes whether the Children of an Object should be displayed in a ranking of geographic distance to the Parent Object. By default this boolean field is set ti true.
NextLevelClassificationPreload To be filled out.
PriorityThreshold Any property with a priority number greater than this integer setting value is regarded as a high priority property and is highlighted when being displayed
Update Expiry Determines how long (in seconds) freshly updated content becomes outdated and will be updated again when the user browses to it.
Content Logging Determines whether certain content related activities should be recorded as log files.


These internal push settings control the behaviors and activities of pushed data. For general information see UBIK® Push Service.

Name Purpose
ActivatePush This boolean field denotes whether new resp. changed data should be pushed to other clients, which might be running the Application at the same time, or not.
PushPollingIntervalSeconds Denotes the interval in seconds for the client to retrieve newly pushed data from the server.
PushPort Denotes the Port Number to use when connecting to the Push Server (optional), might be set to the same Port number as the Content Port Number.
PushProtocol Denotes which Transfer Protocol for the Push might be used. By default https is used.
PushServer Denotes the Push Server, e.g. could be used. Could be the same server as the Content Server.
PushService Denotes the path on the Push Server to the Push Service File, e.g. the path might be YourFolder/YourApp/PUSH/UBIKPush.svc. Make sure that the path points to the UBIKPush.svc file.
ShowPushMessage This boolean field denotes whether the User is informed about an occurring Push, or not. By default it is set to false.


These internal scan settings control the behaviors and activities of scanned data.

Name Purpose
CurrentBarcodeFormats Refers to a Microsoft definition for QR Codes, denoted in [1]
CurrentOCRProfileIndex Specifies a certain OCR Profile. Yet, in the client in the camera settings you can also specify the OCR Profile.
PostProcessRegex If this field is set to true, you can specify how a text based Code has to look like in the client settings.
ScanARMarker This boolean field denotes whether an ARMarker can be scanned and will be recognized.
ScanCodes This boolean field denotes whether 2D-Codes, e.g. Barcode, QRCode, etc. can be scanned and will be recognized.
ScanOCR This boolean field denotes whether an OCRMarker can be scanned and will be recognized.
UnlockByScanTimeOut This numeric field denotes whether a normally locked object can be unlocked for changes for a certain amount of time (in seconds).


These internal session settings control the behaviors and activities of a session.

Name Purpose
AlternativeViewMode By default this boolean field is set to false. If set true, it denotes that there is more than one View mode available.
ZoomedInMode If this boolean flag is set true, the Children of an Object are shown as Tiles. Otherwise they are shown as List items.

Final Settings

These final settings control the behaviors and activities of a profile.

Name Purpose
IsFavorite This boolean field denotes whether the Profile will be shown as a favourite on top of a list when there are also other Profiles in the Application client available.
LastUsed Contains a Timestamp when this profile was used the last time.
MultiUserMode This boolean field denotes whether Multi User Mode is allowed in the Application or not. By default the value is set to false, i. e. only one user can use the Application to check and also change values from the underlying Database.
Name This field denotes the name of the Profile. Note: If there is no special folder named in the Customizing field, then this name here will also be taken to retrieve the XAMLs from the according Folder with the same name.
Project This field can name a special project. It might be common to have the carry the same name as the Name field. Carrying the value i:nil=true means that ...
ShowHiddenSettings By default this boolean field is set to false, i.e. no hidden settings are shown.

Augmented Reality


These settings control the behaviors of the map throughout the app.

Name Purpose
Map Type Determines which base map image will be used in the map.
Default Zoom Level Controls how closely zoomed in the map should be whenever it is shown.


Name Purpose
Camera Device Specifies which camera to use in the app.
Camera Resolution Specifies which camera resolution to use in the app.
IC Hint square.pngThe camera preview window in the settings is hidden when the camera is currently in use in e.g. the POI view or the scan view. However, a user can still change the relevant settings and see the immediate results.


Name Purpose
Calibration Heading Specifies the heading that is used when manually calibrating the orientation sensor.