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Release 2.3.0

(Redirected from Release 2.2.3)

Release Date: 2014.05.20

Updates for UBIK® Server

New features

  • UBIK® content objects now has information about the session it has been created in. Once a content object is updated even multiple times, it will still be possible to identify the session it was created in.
  • UBIK® Studio Debug Form (Who-Bert) now allows to execute code without any customizing binaries loaded into memory.
  • UBIK® Kernel now has enhanced logging features to provide a separate logging within customizing code and workflows.
  • UBIK® Kernel now has new Classifications to mark objects/queries being able to be compared via scan codes: SYSCLS OBJECTWITHIDMARKER, SYSCLS IDMARKERSCANQUERY
  • UBIK® USAM provides an extended authentication mechanism now. This new features delivers more detailed information about the failure in the case of a not successfull authentication. This feature will be used to give feedback after a failed login on the mobile client (future version) and can be used to test a system setup during the project initialization.
  • UBIK® Queries provide possibilties to add logical search criteria now. With this method it is possible to search for objects by comparing two their property values.
  • UBIK® Proxy Manager provides extended information in case of a not successfull update (export / import). This will help the admin to find inconsistencies in the data.
  • UBIK® Proxy management supports scanning for proxies now. Different scanners can be used to find the proxy instances which have to be exported a/o imported.
  • UBIK® Proxy management supports deletion of objects from and to a 3rd party system.
  • UBIK® Proxy management "reuses" existing target objects instead of always creating new instances. During an import, it checks as the target (identified by its external primary key) already exists, and refers to it.
  • MetaProxy objects deliver import a/o export information for ProxyMetaProperties even if the TargetProperty is not defined.
  • UBIK® Studio Database update performs necessary maintenance tasks (e.g. recompilation of the table structure) automatically now. The user will be guided through the update procedure.


  • Metaproperties can have a name ending with '_V' or containing '_L' now. Naming properties like this, does not lead to a lost of data any more.
  • Category-information (configured on the Metaproperty) does not get overwritten any more. Finally, this fix brings the usage of Categories alive.
  • As the connection to the session management gets lost in UBIK® Studio, the studio is not closed without further user interaction anymore. Now the user can choose between leaving immediately or the user now can attempt to save the current data before the Studio session is closed.
  • System.NullReferenceException does not show up in the log files when starting a UBIK WebService Session any more (problem was solved and error does not occure any more).
  • UBIK® ProxyManager is able to import RelationProxy data now (it is possible to create relations via Proxies).
  • Database/Systemupdate:. Customized UBIK Code Library data does not get lost during the update any more.
  • MetaProperties released in the ACM now have the FormatString as defined for the MetaProperty itself or defined in the system default settings if no FormatString is explicitly defined within the ACM context scope.
  • A problem when creating instances for not yet compiled Metaclasses is fixed now. This solved the problem with creating instances in a derivate of MetaProxyPropertie as well.
  • Updating MetaProxyMetaproperties forces an update of the database structure of MetaProxies using them. This solves an inconsistency bug when editing MetaProxyProperty.
  • UBIK® is able to deal with generic Methods in the Code Editor Control now.
  • UBIK® ClassBrowser could have problems after the namespace of an object has been changed by the user (e.g. in the ObjectExplorer). Now only one object node is created and it is ensured that no namespace node is created in the hierarchy view.

Known Issues

  • It is not possible to implement an interface via the ClassDetailsBrowser Classification View.
  • Interface manager crashes when reading a not wellformed Interfaces.xml.
  • Adding a new object in the View Test Environment fails, as the parent node was not expanded before.
  • Passwords, configured via the interface manager are not saved corretly in the command files.

Updates for UBIK® Android Client

New features

  • Optical Code scanning (in order to find objects) is now possible offline and online.
  • POI Groups: POIs now can be grouped both in the Map and in the AR view.
  • Colorized POIs: Billboards in the UBIK POI view are now colorized based on the objects' status colors.
  • Icons in the Map Layers Dialog: Icons are now visible on the map layer selection dialog.
  • Users can locally configure the status LED image to be displayed in UBIK content browser.
  • A Support Button that starts the Communication Application "Skype" and is available in the Action Bar of the UBIK.Android.Demo Application.


  • A forced update on changed documents will now throw away the changes and update successfully.
  • Edited documents now do appear in the commit manager until they get committed.
  • Empty list indicators now display less confusing texts during and after synchronization.
  • POI View doesn't crash anymore after returning back from the POI Dialog.
  • Metaio Camera doesn't freeze/crash anymore when the user is returning from QR Reader Application.
  • POI Group items don't get lost after switching the Content Service anymore.
  • The filter button in the AR Navigation now works as expected.
  • Taking a picture or redlining doesn't fail anymore if screen orientation changes in the process.
  • Edited documents now show up in the Commit Manager.
  • A forced update on changed documents will now throw away the changes and update successfully
  • A bug in the AR Navigation feature, where an error message appeared for (nearly) correct routing graphs, was fixed.
  • A bug where the AR Navigation crashed when returning from another activity was fixed.
  • A bug where the connectivity mode changed to Automatic when the offline mode preparations failed, was fixed. Now it stays in offline mode.
  • A bug where infrastructure geo objects weren't visible in the Maps activity was fixed.
  • A bug where near billboards weren't readable when viewed from a vertical angle was fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where rotating devices renders photo taking or redlining unsuccessful.
  • The "Exit POI Group" button is now always visible when it should be.
  • POI Group items without a parent POI Group are now visible on the map, if they are infrastructure list members.
  • Fixed a UI issue where property rows are not aligned and/or cut off when displaying long text.

Known Issues

  • The Dialog of the Content Browser closes without saving the values by rotating the device
  • Offline Authentication is not possible in a WIFI nework without an Internet connection
  • The POI View crashes when you click at a billboard, then click on the "navigate to" button and then cancel this action
  • Sometimes the AR Nav doesn't react after scanning an LLA Marker
  • Sometimes the AR Navigation crashes after changing the name of one target object
  • Changes to Files are Lost when Redline/Edit Documents with certain 3rd party Applications
  • The Finish Dialog for Offline Preparation looks like an Error Message BoxVersion