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POI dialog

Revision as of 10:48, 2 May 2016 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

POI dialog
POI dialog
POI dialog with important properties
POI dialog with important properties

A POI dialog is used for displaying information of the POI object. Such a dialog contains the following elements:

  • Title, which displays the name of the object;
  • Descriptive text, which displays the description of the object;
  • Property list, which displays the important properties of the object or nothing if there are none.
IC Hint square.pngProperties with priorities higher/bigger than the PriorityThreshold are considered important.
  • Browse button, which shows the POI object in a UBIK® content browser;
  • Navigate button, which opens a third-party application and navigate to the POI object's geo location.
IC Hint square.pngThe Navigate button will not be available/visible if the POI object does not have any geo information.

To close the dialog, the user can click anywhere else on the map.