Last modified on 29 June 2023, at 11:26

Version 4.4 (Xamarin)

Revision as of 11:26, 29 June 2023 by CWI (Talk | contribs) (Test)

IC Attention.pngUBIK 4 clients can only connect to UBIK® Servers of version 3.6 and higher!


Android: StoreiOS: Store: Publicly available in Google Play Store / Apple App Store.

Android: Store Beta: Publicly available in Google Play Store as beta versions. You can opt in or out of the beta at any time in the store.

iOS: Store Beta: Available through Apple App Store's invitation link.

UWP: App CenterAndroid: App CenteriOS: App Center: Available to those who have access to the Augmensys App Center.

IC Attention.pngSome XAMLs might need an update to work properly. Regarding that please consider XAML Notes


Release Notes


4.4.16 on 2023-06-22 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where updates of a content list sometimes leave a meaningless item in that list (strange message at the end of the list).

4.4.15 on 2023-06-21 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where it's impossible to start capturing a photo (or other media types).

4.4.14 on 2023-06-21 App Center

  • The app can now automatically search for predefined texts when opening certain PDF documents.
  • Increased the maximum zoom factor of the internal PDF viewer from 400% to 2000%.
  • Fixed some issues where the status update results of sequential tasks are incorrect under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting/changing certain inputs during property editing is no possible.
  • Fixed an issue where persisting property based filters might lead to some unexpected errors.

4.4.12 on 2023-06-06 iOS: App Center

  • (iOS) Fixed an issue where the selected camera is not applied in camera views.

4.4.9 on 2023-06-05 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where existing hand drawing signatures do not get displayed on devices with certain aspect ratios.

4.4.7 on 2023-06-05 App Center

  • (iOS) The digital hand drawing signature property editing feature is now also supported on iOS.
  • Added the Lazy Loading Query Classification that can prevent unwanted re-evaluation of queries.
  • A TeachInCommand is now available in ContentViewModel and PropertyViewModel to set the device's current location as the geo property value.
  • Certain objects can now carry multiple scan codes (optical or RFID) so that scanning any one of them finds the object.
  • Added settings to allow selecting cameras, resolutions and zoom values (if supported).
  • (iOS) Fixed an issue where the app sometimes crashes after you annotate a PDF document and navigate back.
  • Fixed an issue where your choice of color appears not applied to PDF ink annotations.
  • Fixed an issue where the import of broken profiles was not prevented properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the embedded PDF viewer's horizontal scrollbar does not allow you to view the entire page when pages have different dimensions.
  • (UWP) Fixed an issue where digital signatures can only be drawn using a mouse, but not with a finger.

Known issues

  • Sometimes, objects shift their positions in the lists after being edited. We found out that this is related to the 3rd party list control we use and are considering replacing it. However, this will take some more time in order to make all features we build around the control still function.
  • Currently, the Samsung keyboard doesn't show , at all, regardless of the current language/locale setting of the device. Please use a different virtual keyboard (e.g. Gboard from Google) instead if . is unacceptable.

XAML Notes

  • When using a DataTrigger to set the properties of a footer for a ListView, the sequence of the properties inside the DataTrigger might matter in some cases. It seems to occur since Version 4.4 due to a Syncfusion update and could lead to the page not being rendered properly and appearing empty. If you encounter such an issue please workaround by adding the IsStickyFooter Property Setter on top inside the DataTrigger. For details, please read this.