Make a Document ready for Redlining
The redlining feature creates a copy of the document and opens it for editing with any installed 3rd party application. Enabling redlining for certain document objects requires that the following criteria are met:
Criterion 1: A file document MetaClass is prepared for Redlining
- Set the SYSCLS REDLINEDFILE classification on a MetaClass for file documents using the CD control (the MetaClass must derive from FILEDOCUMENT)
- Check if all required MetaProperties are implemented
Criterion 2: File documents can be created as child objects of other file documents
- Create a new relation between the MetaClasse of the original file document and the redlined file document
Criterion 3: View items for the (redlined) file document exist
- Create the view items for the file documents if they do not already exist (existing view items for file documents might be sufficient)
- Relate the view items to the according View and test the result in the View Test Environment (redlined documents can be created as child objects of other documents)
Criterion 4: Context scopes for the redlined file document exist and such file document can be created on the UBIKCLIENT
- Create a context scope for the redlined file document (an existing context scope for file documents might be sufficient
- Enable the creation of the document on the UBIKCLIENT and configure at least the description property in the ACM
- If a thumbnail should be display on the mobile client configure the THUMBNAIL property as well