/* State relevant commissioning task */
=== State relevant commissioning task ===
All tasks like , for example checking if whether a functional plan is available, certain protocolls are in place and updated or entering some specific values is have to be entered, are handled with these tasksthis type. It is also possible to check a task as "'''Not Applicable" ''' if a task it is not possible to be done at the moment but should be seen as finishedregarding the work package.
The leading icon leading the row is indicating indicates the completion status of the task. A task is finished once the value is not null '''OR ''' the "'''Not Applicable" ''' icon is toggled. This means even a boolean property FALSE means a task is finished. It is possible both, to both fill out a tasks task's property and toggle it as "Not Applicable". [[Category:Android|Commissioning Objects (UBIK Android)]]
== Commissioning Workpackage ==