All commissioning tasks, no matter of what type, are intended to be nested into a parent object called [[SYSCLS_COMMISSIONINGWORKPACKAGE|commissioning workpackage]], which provides the functionality to close all underlying tasks and synchronize them with the server (triggering some optional workflow).
{{Hint|A commissioning task is finished only if a value is entered as property, or the "Not applicable" icon is toggled accordingly. A <br/>Any value not equal to null is entered if the a valid property is not nullvalue, which means that even also a value '''false''' for a boolean property false is valid. <br/>The boolean status is reflected through the checkbox ' color, the checkbox is : dark blue if it has not been set yet, white with a checksign if true set and white and / empty if it is false.}}
== Information commissioning task ==
== State relevant commissioning task ==
All tasks like checking if a functional plan is available, certain protocolls are in place and updated or entering some specific values is handled with these tasks. It is also possible to check a task as "Not Applicable" if a task is not possible to be done at the moment but should be seen as finished.