/* New features */
* Push Service - Pushes can be received and processed automatically.
* Configurable Start Screen - The start screen's tabs and buttons can be [[HowTo:Configure Start Screen Content|configured using an XML file]].
* Lazy Loading - The memory consumption and initialization time are vastly reduced when using the new [[Memory_Usage_(Android) |lazy loading setting]].
* New Preset Management - Stored presets are shared between all {{UBIK}} apps and are no longer removed after uninstalling the apps.
* Redlining Indicator - Document objects now display the numbers of their redlined copies as overlays of their thumbnails.
* Navigation Drawer - Some buttons are moved from the action bar to a new navigation drawer for easy access.
* New Style for Action Bar - The action bar is now made transparent to highlight the background image.
[[Category:Android|Version 2.4 (Android)]]
[[Category:Version 2.4|Version 2.4 (Android)]]
=== Bugfixes ===