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Commissioning Objects (UBIK Android)

1,107 bytes added, 09:56, 3 June 2015
Information page regarding commissioning check tasks
A commissioning task is a special task, which is able to display the property which defines the status of the check directly on row level.

There are two types of commissioning tasks, on one hand state relevant task which are indicated by either the cross or check icon at the beginning of the row as well as the "Not Applicable" label and Checkbox at the end of the row. On the other hand, there are not state relevant tasks, which can be seen as some kind of information object which do not have a status. The information object is indicated by the white circle as icon where state relevant tasks display the current status. Further it no not have the "Not Applicable" checkbox.

All commissioning tasks no matter of what type are intended to be nested into a parent object called CommissioningWorkpackage, which provides the functionality to close all underlying tasks and synchronize them with the server, may triggering some further functionality there.

== Information commissioning task ==

== State relevant commissioning task ==

== Commissioning WorkPackage ==
