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Login Dialog

661 bytes removed, 12:25, 30 April 2015
For confidentiality reason, users are required to login before they have access to most of the {{UBIK}} features.
Since the free configuration of settings by the user is a common source of problems, the possibility to predefine them via a webservice and make them not alterable via the client is the logical consequence and introduced through this new restricted login screen.
== Accessing login dialog ==
{{Attention|For the UBIK WinX client, offline login only is possible if the user data is sent to the client via the web service first. The logins have to be configured in the ACM infrastructure therefore.}}
== Settings ==The main target of the new login activity was to ensure, that the user can not unintentionally change the settings of the application. Therefore, the possibility to change the settings via the menu-entry settings is as consequence of that no longer editable. What has been preserved is the possibility to save the settings as file, in order to share them with a support person easily.
== See also ==