Last modified on 19 March 2015, at 10:23

InvokeWorkflow (Activity)

The InvokeWorkflow activity invokes a UBIK® Workflow.



Invoke Workflow
Name InvokeWorkflow
Purpose Invoke a workflow
Category Control Flow
Returns True if successful
Version 2.1.14+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
Workflow Workflow In The UBIK® workflow object to invoke
WorkflowName String In The name of the workflow to invoke, overrules the Workflow argument if set
UBIKObject BaseClass In A valid object; this argument is mandatory if WorkflowName is used
VerboseErrors Boolean In True to show workflow errors on the UI, false to suppress them
InArguments IDictionary<String, Object> In A list with arguments to pass to the workflow
OutArguments Dictionary<String, Object> Out A list of arguments returned from the workflow, empty if none are returned
Result Boolean Out True if successful, false if failed


This activity is used to load and invoke workflows from within a workflow. It is very useful to split complex workflows into handy and reusable portions and invoke them from other workflows.


Assign an icon to a given object by invoking the workflow WFICON and passing the object stored in the variable UBIKObject as first and only argument:

Argument Value
UBIKObject Connect this argument with a variable
New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, object) _
From {{"UBIKObject", UBIKObject}}
OutArguments connect this argument with a variable of type
IDictionary(String, object)
and access the value via

See also