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InvokeInterface (Activity)

The InvokeInterface activity invokes a UBIK® interface component.



Invoke Interface
Name InvokeInterface
Purpose Invoke a programmed interface
Category Control Flow
Returns True if successful
Version 2.1.14+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
InterfaceFilename String In The full path to the interface assembly file
ClassName String In The name of the class to instantiate that derives from UBIK.Interface.InterfaceBase
Parameters Dictionary<String, String> In The parameters to pass to the interface
ImportInterface IUBIKImport Out The instantiated import component, if implemented by the interface
ExportInterface IUBIKExport Out The instantiated export component, if implemented by the interface
Result Boolean Out True if successful, false if failed


This activity is used to load and invoke a programmed UBIK® interface component, just like the Enterprise Service would do.


Invoke the class TestClass from the assembly C:\temp\UBIK.Interface.Test.dll and pass two parameters:

Argument Value
New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String) _
From {{"parameter1", "value1"}, {"parameter2", "value2"}}

See also