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GetCustomizedSystemObject (Activity)

The GetCustomizedSystemObject Activity gets the custom object representing a UBIK® system object. The activity is generic, which means the user has to define the type of the output variable at design time.



Get CustomizedSystem Object
Name GetCustomizedSystemObject
Purpose Gets the customized object that can be used to represent a systemobject
Category Object Primitives
Returns The custom object
Version 2.2+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
SystemObject UBIK.Kernel.SystemObjects In The system object that is represented by the custom object
UBIKObject BaseClass In The object where the property should be evaluated from
Success Boolean Out True, if retrieving the object was successful
Result T Out The customizing object


This activity is used to read a value of a property of an object, where the property is identified by its name. The value is passed as an OutArgument for further processing.


Get the customizing object of a given object:

Argument Value
UBIKObject Connect this argument with a variable
Result Connect this argument with an output variable containing the customizing object
Success Connect this argument with an output boolean variable containing the success

See also