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SetPropertyValue (Activity)

The SetPropertyValue activity sets the named property of a UBIK® object to a certain value.



Set Property Value
Name SetPropertyValue
Purpose Set the value of a single property
Category Object Primitives
Returns True if successful
Version 2.1+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
UBIKObject BaseClass In The object where the property should be set
PropertyName String In The name of the property that should be set
Value Object In The new value that should be stored in the property
Result Boolean Out True if successful, false if failed


This activity is used to set a property of an object to a new value, where the property is identified by its name. This is typically necessary when you created a new object during the workflow, e.g. with the CreateInstance activity, or if you want to modify existing objects.

IC Attention.pngThis activity does not automatically save changes. If you want to persist the changed values, you need i.e. a subsequent SaveObject activity!


Set the NAME of a given object to the new value "NewName":

Argument Value
UBIKObject Connect this argument with a variable

See also