Workflow Designer
The Workflow Designer is a component in UBIK® which appears on many occasions, namely every time when there is a Workflow to be displayed or edited. It features a full re-hosted version of the designer for the Microsoft Workflow Foundation, extended with manipulation capabilities for UBIK® objects.
The Toolbox features a wide range of Activities that cane be used within your Workflows. There are generic activities as well as activities specific for the manipulation of UBIK® objects.
Standard activities
Activity | Category | Purpose |
AddToCollection<T> | - | - |
Assign | - | - |
Assign<T> | - | - |
AddToCollection<T> | - | - |
CancellationScope | - | - |
ClearCollection<T> | - | - |
CompensableActivity | - | - |
Compensate | - | - |
Confirm | - | - |
Delay | - | - |
DoWhile | - | - |
ExistsInCollection<T> | - | - |
FlowChart | - | - |
FlowSwitch<T> | - | - |
FlowDecision | - | - |
InvokeMethod | - | - |
UBIK® activities
Activity | Category | Purpose (Short) |
DebugMessage | UBIK Control Flow | Writes a debug Text |
InvokeInterface | UBIK Control Flow | Invokes a UBIK® Interface component |
InvokeWorkflow | UBIK Control Flow | Invokes a UBIK® Workflow object |
AssignToSystemRelation | UBIK Object Primitives | Assigns a Child object via the given Relation to a Parent object |
CreateInstance | UBIK Object Primitives | Creates a new instance of a given MetaClass |
DeleteObject | UBIK Object Primitives | Deletes a UBIKObject (Deep delete by default, ShallowDelete optional) |
RemoveFromSystemRelation | UBIK Object Primitives | Removes a Child object via the given Relation from a Parent object |
SaveObject | UBIK Object Primitives | Saves the UBIKObject (Deep save by default, ShallowSave optional) |
SetPropertyValue | UBIK Object Primitives | Sets the Value to the property named PropertyName of the UBIKObject |
AssignIconToBaseClass | UBIK UI Primitives | Assigns a selectable icon image to the UBIKObject |
SelectSourceFile | UBIK UI Primitives | Brings up an open file dialog |
SelectTargetFile | UBIK UI Primitives | Brings up a save file dialog |
ShowUnsavedObjectsHierarchy | UBIK UI Primitives | Brings up the Unsaved Objects dialog |
UserDecisionYesNo | UBIK UI Primitives | Brings up a Yes/No dialog with configurable Title and Text |
UserInputText | UBIK UI Primitives | Brings up an input box with configurable Title and Text |
Design canvas
Property window
Working with the designer
Item | Purpose |
Open file | Opens a dialog to load a previously saved UBIK® workflow file (.uwf) into the design canvas |
Save to file | Saves the current design canvas into a file (.uwf) |
This control doesn't feature any context menu yet.