General Templates
This page contains general templates created by Augmensys.
Usage: When used in the Wiki, the UBIK name should always be displayed with the registered trademark symbol.
Code: {{UBIK}}
Preview: UBIK®
Version flag
Usage: To highlight a section, paragraph, or sentence as valid since a specific version, this can be done with the Version flag. Clicking on the flag leads to navigating to the related version page. Hovering over the flag invokes a tooltip with version and platform information that can be customized by adapting the "WinXSince" and "3.7" in the template code.
Valid platforms are:
- WinXSince
- XamarinSince
- ServerSince
- WebSince
Code: {{Version/WinXSince|3.7}}
Version label
Usage: This template can be used to display a unified version label.
Valid platforms are:
- WinX
- Xamarin
- Server
- Web
Code: {{Version/WinX|3.7}}
Preview: Version 3.7 - WinX
Usage: This template can be used to catch the reader's attention on a specific paragraph or sentence.
Code: {{Attention|Add your text here.}}
Usage: This template can be used to highlight specific a specific paragraph or sentence.
Code: {{hint|Add your text here.}}
Check Mark
Usage: Check mark symbol
Code: {{Check_mark}}
Under Construction Start tag
Usage: Can be used to announce the start of a Wiki section or page that is currently in progress.
Code: {{UnderConstructionStart}}
Under Construction End tag
Usage: Can be used to announce the end of a Wiki section or page that is currently in progress.
Code: {{UnderConstructionEnd}}
Deprecated Start tag
Usage: Can be used to announce the start of a deprecated Wiki section or page. The template parameter can be removed from the code if there is no replacement wiki page for the deprecated article. Otherwise, any article can be linked here. For other cases, e.g. if there are more than one replacement articles that should be linked, the parameter can be adapted as needed.
Code: {{DeprecatedStartTag|parameter=Please refer to [[Main_Page]] for the most recent information.}}
This content is no longer being maintained and may be outdated. Please refer to Main Page for the most recent information.
Deprecated End tag
Usage: Can be used to announce the end of a deprecated Wiki section or page.
Code: {{DeprecatedEndTag}}