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General Templates

Revision as of 16:54, 27 May 2024 by NWE (Talk | contribs)

This page contains general templates created by Augmensys.


Usage: When used in the Wiki, the UBIK name should always be displayed with the registered trademark symbol.

Code: {{UBIK}}

Preview: UBIK®

Version flag

Usage: To highlight a section, paragraph, or sentence as valid since a specific version, this can be done with the Version flag. Clicking on the flag leads to navigating to the related version page. Hovering over the flag invokes a tooltip with version and platform information that can be customized by adapting the "WinXSince" and "3.7" in the template code.
Valid platforms are:

  • WinXSince
  • XamarinSince
  • ServerSince
  • WebSince

Code: {{Version/WinXSince|3.7}}



Usage: This template can be used to catch the reader's attention on a specific paragraph or sentence.

Code: {{Attention|Add your text here.}}


IC Attention.pngAdd your text here.


Usage: This template can be used to highlight specific a specific paragraph or sentence.

Code: {{hint|Add your text here.}}


IC Hint square.pngAdd your text here.

Check Mark

Usage: Check mark symbol

Code: {{Check_mark}}

Preview: IC Check Mark.png

Under Construction Start tag

Usage: Can be used to announce the start of a Wiki section or page that is currently in progress.

Code: {{UnderConstructionStart}}

Preview: Wiki Under Construction Start.PNG

Under Construction End tag

Usage: Can be used to announce the end of a Wiki section or page that is currently in progress.

Code: {{UnderConstructionEnd}}

Preview: Wiki Under Construction End.PNG