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Version 4.5 (Xamarin)

Revision as of 11:59, 25 October 2023 by KGR (Talk | contribs) (4.5.? on 2023-10-?? {{key press|App Center}})

IC Attention.pngUBIK 4 clients can only connect to UBIK® Servers of version 3.6 and higher!


IC Attention.pngSome customized XAMLs might need an update to work properly. These changes are marked with a ⚠️

Release Notes


4.5.? on 2023-10-?? App Center

  • Logging app/environment info on startup.
  • Fixed an issue where a deleted object reappears in the child list incorrectly. (Note: It's the "delete on server" option, not "delete locally".)
  • Fixed an issue where the settings button is disabled after unsuccessful logins.
  • Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary document uploads when the owner creation failed.
  • Fixed an issue where the marker/code property does not delete old values.

4.5.6 on 2023-10-19 App Center

  • Enabled the remember scroll position feature for query result lists.
  • Fixed the misleading query criteria count in the tab header.
  • (Android) Fixed an issue where RFID scanning does not work on Android 12 and later versions.
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to bring up the side menu by clicking on the menu button or header title.
  • Fixed an issue where multi select actions were always executed on all children, not only the selected ones.
  • Fixed an issue where the InvokeOnItemsCommand is disabled when used from a filtered list.
  • Fixed an issue where it's impossible to enter property values after toggling the NA state in a property editor.
  • Fixed an issue where audio and video recording wasn't possible on Android 13.
  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicate notifications when using deep links.
  • General UI fixes.

4.5.5 on 2023-10-02 App Center

  • Added additional logging during photo creation for diagnostics
  • Fixed an issue where the search function in the PDF Viewer did not work with more complex PDF files.

4.5.4 on 2023-09-28 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where it's not possible to display basic letters and numbers together with Chinese characters on some devices.

4.5.2 on 2023-09-20 App Center

  • (iOS) Fixed an issue where some controls have a black background when the device is in Dark Mode. See XAML Notes for more details.

4.5.1 on 2023-09-15 App Center

  • Chinese characters are now supported on Map Poi Pins.
  • Bing Road Maps is now supported as a new map type.
  • The Bing road map tiles can now be requested in different languages (see customizable tile source for Bing road maps).
  • A live value property's displayed description and unit can now come from the relevant attributes (if present).
  • Changed the highlighting color of text in the Syncfusion-PdfViewer to red and green for better visibility.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to start Ubik through a .profile file and import it on Android and Xamarin.UWP.
  • (iOS) Fixed an issue where the app freezes when closing an image document page.

Known issues

⚠️ XAML Notes

  • iOS, Dark Mode: Fixed an issue where some controls have a black background when the device is in Dark Mode.
    • ⚠️ In some cases, these fixes might be overwritten by a having a full copy of UBIKThemes, instead of the recommended of customized-only styles. The solution is to remove the default implicit styles defined for the downgrading controls, such as DatePicker and TimePicker.
  • Exported all styles from the Settings page to UBIKThemes. These styles can now be used to target specific resources of the Settings UI that may be in conflict due to customizing. The can be found in a new default UBIKThemes by the prefix "UBIKSettings_...".