
Version 4.6.0 (Server)

5 bytes removed, 10 January
* Improvements in the Comos MetaData SmartImport: It is now possible to import icons, and specify the {{UBIK}} root MetaClasses and MetaProxies for classes imported from Comos using SmartStudio.
* CUI Event Notification Processor provides the possibility to configure its scan behaviour (Scan - Delay, Scan-Size, Nbr of processed proxies, number of processed Notifications)
== Bug Fixes ==
* A problem with deleting ubiqules triggered by incomming event notifications (with delete info) ws solved.
* Processing of Event Notifications was improved to avoid creation of multiple proxies presenting the same ubiqule.
* OPC UA Live Values of DataType Byte and Int16 (short) are supported now.
* Adapted Namespace for items provided via the UBIK.Interface.Module.Excel
* UBIK Web Service supports up to TLS1.2 now.
* OPC UA Live Values of DataType Byte and Int16 (short) are supported now.