
XAML Best practices

5 bytes removed, 09:44, 28 April 2020
/* Formatting */
== Formatting ==
* x: Name or x: Key should always come first. <br>
* Every Attribute should be stacked over another for readability, except maybe for similar ones, but this is not obligatory. <br>E.g.: HorizontalAlignment – VerticalAlignment or Width – Height <br>
* Adding comments. <br>
This is one of the most important things on how to write clear code. With the support of these comments you can save up time on searching and asking around. Try to describe as best as possible the place, function, purpose of this object. <br>
* Remove unnecessary code pieces. <br>
Not only makes it the code clearer & more understandable, you are also improving the performance when not loading unneeded elements. <br>  
== Naming Conventions ==