== Prerequisites ==
[[File:UI_Android_AR_Unsupported_CPU.jpg|thumb|alt=POI View Unavailable|POI View Unavailable]]
For the POI view to function and deliver a satisfactory user experience, a device's processors must meet certain requirements (support [http://www.arm.com/products/processors/technologies/neon.php NEON from ARM]) (. {{Version/AndroidSince|2.4.5}}).
Devices such as the following are known to lack such a technology and, therefore, can not use the POI view.
* Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 P7500
** [[SYSCLS_POIGROUPITEM|POI group items]] that belong to the current group;
** Objects that are '''not''' POI group items (and do not belong to any group).
* If a layer is currently selected, objects that are shown are (: {{Version/AndroidSince|2.5.2}}):
** [[SYSCLS_MAPITEM|Items]] of the current Layer; {{Tip/Version| Objects are not filtered by layers in previous versions.}}
** Objects that are '''not''' layer items.
==== Location Mode Indicator ====
{{Version/AndroidSince|2.5}} {{UBIK}} provides an indicator showing the user if LLA only mode or any other positioning mode is currently active. This indicator is toggled by clicking the [[#LLA_only_mode_button| LLA only mode button]].{{Version/AndroidSince|2.5}}
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[[Category:Client|POI View]]
[[Category:POI|POI View]]