The Database Manager is basically used for maintenance tasks in {{UBIK}} databases. These tasks can be executed whether there is already a database connected, but also if it is not connected. In this case, the database manager tries to establish a temporary connection using the current [[UBIK Studio Basics#Options|Options]] to work with. {{UBIK.Studio }} refuses database connections due to a version mismatch between the Studio version and the database version if they are not compatible to each other. The database can be upgraded in this place by selecting the desired target version number (which is set to the highest available by default). Therefore, it automatically selects all needed scripts to perform the upgrade. Other functionalities are the management of supported languages and executing SQL scripts (e.g. used for individual maintenance issues).
[[File:UI_Database_Manager_01.png|thumb|right|220px|Database Manager Dialog - Upgrade]]
By pressing the "Open" toolbar button, a SQL script can be loaded into the code editor. Once loaded, the script then can be executed by pressing the "Run SQL Script (green arrow) toolbar button. After executing the script, a success message is displayed. In case of an Error, the error information will be displayed in another dialog window.
[[Category:Studio toolsDatabase|Database Manager]][[Category:Studio tools|DatabaseManager]]