
Release 2.3.4

1,298 bytes added, 11:44, 6 August 2014
Release Date {{UBIK}} Server: 2014.??.??
Release Date {{UBIK}} Android: 2014.08.06
== Updates for {{UBIK}} Server ==
=== New features ===
=== Bugfixes ===
=== Known Issues ===
== Updates for {{UBIK}} Android Client ==
=== New features ===
* The synchronization error handling now uses Android Notifications instead of annoying dialogs.
* As a default solution, Selective Lists are now sorted by their value.
=== Bugfixes ===
* A bug occuring for a special case of committing new objects was fixed.
=== Enhancements ===
=== Known Issues ===
* The Dialog of the Content Browser closes without saving the values by rotating the device
* Offline Authentication is not possible in a WIFI nework without an Internet connection
* Sometimes, the POI View crashes when you click at a billboard, then click on the "navigate to" button and then cancel this action
* Sometimes the AR Nav doesn't react after scanning an LLA Marker
* Sometimes the AR Navigation crashes after changing the name of one target object
* Changes to Files are Lost when Redline/Edit Documents with certain 3rd party Applications
* The Finish Dialog for Offline Preparation looks like an Error Message Box
[[Category: Release Notes]]
[[Category: UBIK Studio]]
[[Category: UBIK Client]]
[[Category: UBIK Android]]