An icon can be assigned to a MetaClass so that objects of these class are represented by a small graphical symbol in UBIKSTUDIO as well as on the UBIKCLIENT.
- Navigate to the MetaClass DISPLAYDATACUSTOMCLASS in the Class Browser
- Create a new instance using the Bulk Editor
- It is required to assign an icon of the DisplaydataCustomClass attribute either by
- selecting the desired icon from the dialog appearing after double-clicking the cell
- It is recommended to set at least name and description
- Save the changes with Ctrl+S or the save command
The object needs to be added to the DispalyData of the according MetaClass:
- The DisplayData object can be added directly via dragging and dropping to the MetaClass using the Object Explorer.
- The DisplayData object can be added directly via dragging and dropping to the MetaClass using the Object Explorer.