Last modified on 24 June 2024, at 09:19


Revision as of 09:19, 24 June 2024 by LMA (Talk | contribs) (See also)

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A Proxy object is the representant of an Ubik object (instance) for one Interface.

One Proxy object can handle both import and export of the same Ubik instance via one interface.

IC Hint square.pngA Proxy object MUST HAVE a MetaProxy defined as its MetaClass!

The Proxy object has a "normal" Property for every MetaProperty defined on its MetaProxy.

The Proxy object has a Proxy Property for every ProxyMetaProperty defined on its MetaProxy (via the Relation "SYSREL_METAPROXY_PROPERTY").

Value Tracking

Every Proxy properties supports access to multiple data of the same data field:

  • Current value in Ubik
  • Timestamp of the current value
  • Exported value
  • Timestamp of the export
  • Import value
  • Timestamp of the import

Current Value

  • Current value stored on the object in the system
  • Timestamp the value was set. If it is the initial value, the timestamp is equal to the CTS of the object

The current value is stored on the original UBIK object.

Exported Value

  • Value that was exported (and commited) via an export interface run
  • Timestamp the value was exported. This is the timestamp when the export of the object was triggered

The exported value is stored on the proxy object.

Imported Value

  • Value that was imported via an import interface run
  • Timestamp the value was imported. This is the timestamp when the import of the object was triggered

The imported value is stored on the proxy object.

Interface States

Every proxy objects supports two interface states:

  • Export state
  • Import state

Export states

Export Status Workflow
Export Status Workflow
Property Description
Completed The object is exported, the external system has confirmed
Queued for export The object is marked for an data update from the ubik instance to the proxy , but the export was not executed yet
Queued for external processing The proxy was updated recently (by exporting ubik data to the proxy) but was not processed via an data export to the external system
Handshaking The object was exported, but the confirmation was not received yet
Conflict There is an export conflict
Error An error occured during the last export
Undefined Status of proxy is undefined

Import states

Property Description
Proxy updated The object was successfully updated from the external system
Queued for import The object is marked for an import, but the import was not executed yet
Handshaking The object was imported, but the handshake answer was not sent yet
Conflict There is an importconflict
Error Error occurred during the last import
Undefined Status of proxy is undefined

Timestamp information


Point of time when the Proxy instance was initially created.


Last point of time when the Proxy instance was updated.

Export TS

Last point of time when the Proxy instance was updated with export data (updated with data from the linked UBIK instance)

External Export TS

Last point of time when the data from the proxy was exported to a 3rd party system.

Import TS

Last point of time when the data of the Proxy instance was imported (forwarded the data to the linked UBIK instance)

External Import TS

Last point of time when the data from the proxy was imported from a 3rd party system.

See also