Last modified on 15 December 2023, at 08:52

Version 4.6 (Xamarin)

Revision as of 08:52, 15 December 2023 by LGE (Talk | contribs)

IC Attention.pngUBIK 4 clients can only connect to UBIK® Servers of version 3.6 and higher!


Android: StoreiOS: Store: Publicly available in Google Play Store / Apple App Store.

Android: Store Beta: Publicly available in Google Play Store as beta versions. You can opt in or out of the beta at any time in the store.

iOS: Store Beta: Available through Apple App Store's invitation link.

UWP: App CenterAndroid: App CenteriOS: App Center: Available to those who have access to the Augmensys App Center.

IC Attention.pngSome customized XAMLs might need an update to work properly. These changes are marked with a ⚠️

Release Notes




4.6.6 on 2023-12-15 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where the app might save an object unnecessarily (especially in offline/manual mode), leading to potential performance issues.

4.6.5 on 2023-12-07 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where ink/shape annotations created with an older client are displayed completely transparent.

4.6.4 on 2023-12-06 App Center

  • Updated some text localization.
  • Display property data context names for content items in the developer mode.
  • Updated the Czech and the Polish localization.
  • UBIK can now apply preconfigured initial zoom levels when displaying PDF documents.
  • Updated the Portuguese and the Spanish localization.

4.6.3 on 2023-12-01 App Center

  • Fixed an issue where the branch download was enabled for uncommitted content.
  • Fixed an Issue that prevented manually committing changes in manual mode.

4.6.2 on 2023-11-29 App Center

  • An arbitrary object can now be accessed in the UI via UID with the ObjectByUID feature.
  • It's now possible to scan barcodes and QR codes and apply code affixes during the searches.
  • Fixed an issue where highlight colors in the pdfViewer did not work properly.
  • It's now possible to customize the visibility of the appbar Menu Button.
  • Added an uncommitted changes indicator button leading to a list of the currently uncommitted changes if there are any.
  • Fixed an issue that caused link properties to appear as null.
  • Improved the UI performance when accessing properties.
  • Fixed an issue where highlighted text was not in the view port of the PDF Viewer after performing a text search.

Known issues

  • Sometimes, objects shift their positions in the lists after being edited. We found out that this is related to the 3rd party list control we use and are considering replacing it. However, this will take some more time in order to make all features we build around the control still function.
  • Currently, the Samsung keyboard doesn't show , at all, regardless of the current language/locale setting of the device. Please use a different virtual keyboard (e.g. Gboard from Google) instead if . is unacceptable.

⚠️ XAML Notes