Last modified on 14 January 2022, at 09:00

Version 1.3 (Xamarin)

Revision as of 09:00, 14 January 2022 by JKN (Talk | contribs) (Beta)


Release Notes


1.3.16 on 2022-01-14 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

1.3.13 on 2022-01-10 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

  • String/Text properties can now be configured with length restrictions with which client users must comply.

1.3.10 on 2021-12-23 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

  • Fixed an issue where the map page doesn’t open when UBIKMapArea is customized.

1.3.9 on 2021-12-23 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

  • Fixed an issue where the app incorrectly takes the geo location of an object when showing it on map.

1.3.8 on 2021-12-22 iOS: App Store

This is the same version as 1.3.6.


1.3.6 on 2021-12-20 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

  • Fixed an issue where POIs are displayed with unwanted horizontal offsets on screens with high pixel density.

1.3.4 on 2021-12-17 Android: App Center iOS: App Center UWP: App Center

  • Added support for signature property editing (not yet on iOS).
  • When navigating to the map view with a context object (or POI view), UBIK makes sure it's visible and selects/highlights it.
  • Users can now choose dynamic selective list items when editing Guid properties.
  • Fixed an issue where the result of Guid/link property editing is not always automatically saved and committed upon user confirmation.
  • Fixed an issue where query result items are sometimes not shown the first time a Guid/link property is edited.
  • Fixed an issue where the navigation history is replayed when a page gets refreshed.
  • Fixed an issue where the document page becomes unusable (turns blank) after users browse to a PDF document with freshly updated annotations.
  • Fixed a performance issue (memory leak & high CPU usage) after showing many PDF documents.

Known issues

  • Branch download might be paused if the device goes into sleep mode without a power source attached and will only resume if the device screen is unlocked again. We are aware of this issue and will improve it in the future versions.
  • When editing the value of a double property in landscape mode characters other then numbers are not displayed but still remain in the string.
  • In rare cases, a query page appears blank without list content after navigating back from another query page. In such cases, a workaround is to reopen it or pull the list area to refresh.
  • In rare cases, selection of PDF annotations might misbehave on iOS.

XAML changes

Show on map

To enable the selected effect, you need to add SelectedPOI="{Binding SelectedPOI.WorldARItem}" ContextObjectId="{Binding ContextObjectId}" to the mapsUi:MapView control in the existing (if any) UBIKMapArea template.

Show in AR

The selected effect is implemented in the following templates.

  • UBIKWorldViewItemArea;
  • UBIKDisplayViewItemArea;
  • UBIKCameraViewItemArea.

If you have customized these templates, they need to be updated to display the effect. Below is the example effect added in the new default templates.

<Grid x:Name="PoiGrid" xmlns:behaviors="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Behaviors;assembly=UBIK.CPL">
           Binding="{Binding IsSelected}"
            <behaviors:ScaleAction FinalScale="2" TargetObject="{Binding Source={x:Reference PoiGrid}}" />
           Binding="{Binding IsSelected}"
            <behaviors:ScaleAction FinalScale="1" TargetObject="{Binding Source={x:Reference PoiGrid}}" />
       IsVisible="{Binding IsSelected}" />
    <!-- Here goes the actual content of the POI -->
  • Through the use of those two behaviors, the POI is scaled up/down when it becomes selected/unselected;
  • The frame with a border color highlights the POI when it's selected.
IC Hint square.pngYou can implement different effects as you like.