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PushPopUpMessage (Activity)

This activity pushes a single Popup Message to UBIK® Push service participants.



Name PushPopUpMessage
Purpose Push a Popup Message
Category UBIK Push
Returns true if successful
Version 2.4.3+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
Header String In The header line of the PopUp Message
TextLines Array of String In The lines of text (as single lines) from the Popup Message
Style StyleTypes In The layout style of the presented message at the client (Notification, ImportantInformation, Failure, Emergency)
UBIKObject BaseClass In The object the push Message refers to; this argument is mutually exclusive with the argument UBIKObjectUID
UBIKObjectUID Guid In The UID of the object the push Message refers to; this argument is mutually exclusive with the argument UBIKObject
PushClient PushService In The instantiated push client to be used; normally inherited from a hosting CreatePushScope activity, but can be overwritten here


Use this activity to push a single Popup Message to certain UBIK® Clients. The criterions to which clients the object should be actually pushed can be defined with subsequent PushCriterion activities. It is a nestable activity, which means it can host any amount of sub-activities that will be processed sequentially. The hosted activities are typically Push criterions like PushCriterionLogin, either as direct children but also wrapped within looping activities like ForEach or While.

Style Types

The system supports following styles (see Push Service (Client)):

  • Important Information
  • Failure
  • Emergency
  • Notification (does not show a MessageBox on the client)


This example pushes a Message with a refered object (with the defined UID) to all clients of its hosting CreatePushScope activity as defined in its subsequent criterions; if no criterions are defined the push will be received by all clients of the push service.

Argument Value
UBIKObjectUID new System.Guid("f5eea25c-9ad4-4be4-b11a-5814a4160c3e")
Header "Headerline"
Textlines new String() {"Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 3"}
Style StyleTypes.Emergency

See also