Last modified on 12 December 2019, at 10:10

Version 3.6 (WinX)

Revision as of 10:10, 12 December 2019 by LGE (Talk | contribs)

IC Attention.pngThere are mandatory Xaml changes and existing customizings need to be updated.
IC Attention.pngStarting with this version, Windows 10 build 16299 or later builds are required.

Initial Release

New features

  • Position and Orientation information of separate source systems (GPS, Compass, AR-Markers, etc.) are now combined based on their probabilistic error levels using an Extended Kalman Filter.
  • It is now possible to persist the scroll position of a ListView when browsing through the content hierarchy. But the ListView does need an unique identifying name (x:name) to work properly. Furthermore, if list elements depend on other UI-elements those have to be created above the ListView in the XAML.
  • The element in the middle of the screen within a ListView is memorized. With this information the scroll position is memorized. But the ListView does need an unique identifying name (x:name) to work properly. Furthermore, if list elements depend on other UI-elements those have to be created above the ListView in the XAML.
  • The feature of remembering user credentials is redesigned.
  • The GlobalStatusBar can now be fully customized in the template: UBIKGlobalStatusBar.xaml.
  • The AuthenticationPage (Start Page of the App) can now be fully customized in the template: UBIKStartArea.xaml.
  • It is now possible to use external Bluetooth RFID Readers to scan RFID Tags in UBIK.
  • The not found offline query criteria are now ignored.
  • It's now possible to use multi bindings in XAML.
  • A new property LinkedLevel on the PropertyListItemViewModel loads and delivers a full PageViewModel of the linked object of a Guid property
  • It is now possible to attach documents to the content creation wizard.
  • Added the FileDetailsClassification to provide additional information about an uploaded file.
  • An InvokeOnItemsCommand is now available to execute a specified command on list items.
  • Added the Archive3DModelClassification to enable downloading 3D models including additional files like textures.


  • Simplified and improved the bindings to TemplateService and its templates. See Xaml Changes.
  • Developer Mode related:
    • The shortcut key to activate the developer mode is changed from F12 to Ctrl+F12 (to reduce activations by accident and to avoid conflicts with other applications).
    • Improved ToString representations of collections to make finding data easier.
    • When switching between different stages, one can see different parts (area, item, etc.) highlighted. This now also supports custom named templates such as UBIKChildArea_WP.
    • Added a member "InfrastructureObjects" to "AppStatus" which is available in every view model. This allows administrators to do quick checks whether the infrastructure objects they expected are actually delivered from the service.
    • Added a Edit UBIKThemes button for fast and easy access to the custom/default UBIKThemes.xaml file, see details here.
  • Improved the performance and responsiveness when loading large lists.


  • Fixed an issue when clicking on ListViewItem in ZoomedOutListView it does not navigate, when clicking on the right side of the object
  • Fixed an issue where OCR Definitions ("TAG_Chars.xml) generated through the experimental TagReader App could not be used by the client anymore
  • Fixed an issue where OCR letters with holes (e.g. O, B, 8 etc.) were misinterpreted
  • Fixed an issue where UBIK was crashing when repeatedly opening the GuidEditor using the PropertyWizard.
  • Fixed an issue where configured barcode formats for not read correctly from the profile, thus the App always used QR Codes only, after restart.
  • Fixed an issue in the back navigation behavior in the type browser of the developer mode.
  • Fixed an confusing filtering behavior in the type browser of the developer mode.

Build History

Xaml Changes

We have made some improvements to make some bindings in Xaml code easier and more efficient. Some changes to your existing Xaml customizings might be necessary. Please refer to each section to see if the change is mandatory or not.

General changes regarding how UBIKThemes.xaml is customized

In previous versions, one must include all resources defined in the default UBIKThemes.xaml file, which means the custom version of it will contain hundreds of resources even if only a handful of minor changes are actually made.
Starting from 3.6, this mechanism is overhauled so that the custom UBIKThemes.xaml file only needs to contain those customized resources. For all other default ones that do not require changes, one can delete them (and we highly recommend doing so) to keep the customizings cleaner and more maintainable.

Binding to TemplateService and the templates

This change is not mandatory and your existing Xamls will still work. We do recommend updating them, though.

Previously the TemplateService (the one providing access to all customizable templates) was only available on certain views (e.g. pages, dialogs, etc.). And the binding to it could only be done using named element like

<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding ElementName=contentPage, Path=TemplateService.UBIKChildPageActionTemplate}" />

It is now made accessible from all view models (you can use the developer mode to check its availability). Also, you can now use the exact names of the template files as indexers for binding to those templates. Therefore, the binding can be changed to something like

<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding TemplateService[UBIKChildPageAction]}" />

Use SelectionBoundListView instead of ListView

A SelectionBoundListView was already available in earlier versions but not mandatory. For performance improvements, it is now mandatory wherever you display UBIK® content (objects, properties, etc.). You need to add a namespace like xmlns:uc="using:UBIK.WinX.Controls" to your Xaml file and use it like <uc:SelectionBoundListView ... />.

IC Hint square.pngTechnically speaking, SelectionBoundListView informs item view models when their corresponding items are visualized. This way, view models can skip a lot of unnecessary work (on the UI) when their views are not visible. If the regular ListView is used instead, the item views will not reflect content changes until the page is reloaded/refreshed.

Customized Sorting

Customizers can now specify the sort order of the items in XAML with the help of a ListCollectionView. The path to a comparable property, that is used for comparing can be specified. Multiple properties can be used, whereby the priority goes from the first to the last property. The direction can be specified by either "Ascending" (default) or "Descending".

  <collectionview:ListCollectionView x:Key="CustomSortedList" ItemsSource="{Binding Children.Items}">
         <collectionview:SortDescription PropertyName="Header" Direction="Ascending"/>
         <collectionview:SortDescription PropertyName="Content.UID" Direction="Descending"/>