Last modified on 16 July 2019, at 12:48

Version 3.6 (WinX)

Revision as of 12:48, 16 July 2019 by LGE (Talk | contribs)


Initial Release

New features

  • Position and Orientation information of seperate source systems (GPS, Compass, AR-Markers, etc.) are now combined based on their probabilistic error levels using an Extended Kalman Filter.
  • It is now possible to persist the scroll position of a ListView when browsing through the content hierarchy. But the ListView does need an unique identifying name (x:name) to work properly. Furthermore, if list elements depend on other UI-elements those have to be created above the ListView in the XAML.
  • The element in the middle of the screen within a !ListView is memorised. With this information the scroll position is memorised. But the ListView does need an unique identifying name (x:name) to work properly. Furthermore, if list elements depend on other UI-elements those have to be created above the ListView in the XAML.
  • The feature of remembering user credentials is redesigned.
  • The GlobalStatusBar can now be fully customized in the template: "UBIKGlobalStatusBar.xaml"


  • Fixed an issue when clicking on ListViewItem in ZoomedOutListView it does not navigate, when clicking on the right side of the object

Build History

Xaml Changes

We have made some improvements to make some bindings in Xaml code easier and more efficient. Some changes to your existing Xaml customizings might be necessary. Please refer to each section to see if the change is mandatory or not.

Binding to TemplateService and the templates

This change is not mandatory and your existing Xamls will still work. We do recommend updating them, though.

Previously the TemplateService (the one providing access to all customizable templates) was only available on certain views (e.g. pages, dialogs, etc.). And the binding to it could only be done using named element like

<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding ElementName=contentPage, Path=TemplateService.UBIKChildPageActionTemplate}" />

It is now made accessible from all view models (you can use the developer mode to check its availability). Also, you can now use the exact names of the template files as indexers for binding to those templates. Therefore, the binding can be changed to something like

<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding TemplateService[UBIKChildPageAction]}" />