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Create a new ViewItem

Revision as of 09:44, 7 January 2014 by PFR (Talk | contribs)

In a view are different ViewItem`s used to evaluate the Query, the Relations or References between MetaClasses. This is seen in the View Test Environment.

  1. Navigate to the Namspace Custom.View.Item's via the Class Browser
  2. There are three different ViewItem`s
    1. Create a new instance of a QueryViewItem using the Bulk Editor
    2. Create a new instance of a ReferenceViewItem using the Bulk Editor
    3. Create a new instance of a RelationViewItem using the Bulk Editor
  3. Set at least name and description
  4. The required ViewItem's must be added to the view with the Relation Editor.
  5. Save the changes with Ctrl+S or the save command

See also