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Revision as of 14:19, 9 February 2015 by KNO (Talk | contribs)

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UBIK Studio


UBIK Client

 Beginners' Guide to UBIK


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What is UBIK®?

Getting started with UBIK®


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Help page


 News and Announcements

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The UBIK® version number is composed of

  • a Major (first) and Minor number (second),
  • a Revision number (third),
  • and a Build (forth) number.

Major and Minor numbers correlate to strategic and technical milestones and will be retained for a certain period. A new (increased) Revision number indicates new features, whereas the Build number relates to hot- and bugfixes within a certain Revision. Therefore, these last two numbers will change more frequently.

For example, the UBIK® Version, having

  • Major = 2
  • Minor = 4
  • Revision= 4
  • Build = 1

implements additional features if compared to This can be seen from the different Revision number (4 > 3).

The version has the same features (Revision = 4) but includes certain hot- and bugfixes, which can be seen from the different Build number (3 > 1).

Compatibility Packages

It is highly recommended always to use the latest version of all components, such that all new features are available on the server as well as on the client side.

IC Attention.pngBe aware, that many features require processing on the server side. Hence, for new client features it might be necessary to have an up-to-date web service installed!

Compatibility Table

Component Compatible for Downwards compatible to Details
UBIK® Studio same Major and
Minor version
- -
Web Service Clients with lower Major and Minor
Clients with different Revision / Build
UBIK® Android - -
UBIK® WinX - -
UBIK® Web - -
UBIK® Database - See the Minimum Client Version setting of the database

 Upcoming Features

Find an overview about the planned features and the associated planned release versions on the Development Pipe page.

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