Last modified on 30 May 2022, at 09:08

Version 4.1 (WinX)

Revision as of 09:08, 30 May 2022 by LGE (Talk | contribs)

Important Notes

IC Attention.pngThis version requires Windows 10 build 17763 or higher

Release Notes




4.1.? on 2022-??-?? DevOps

  • All AR pages are now fully customizable (including the camera view, map view, etc.).
  • It's now possible for users to request exclusive access for UBIK content to prevent others from editing it at the same time.
  • The PdfViewer now uses a CommandBar that enables automatic items overflow on smaller screens.
  • The PdfViewer now has a text search feature.
  • Some properties now need to be authenticated first before editing (Authentication Properties).
  • The app now determines the default tab to select based on different data configurations and scenarios.
  • Custom UBIKContentArea templates can now be chosen automatically based on certain properties of the context object.

Known issues

  • During PDF annotating/hotspotting, changes are lost if you leave the page without deselecting the changed annotation/hotspot.

XAML Notes

XAML changes

  • The following templates need to be re-customized using the new default ones:
    • UBIKPOIArea
    • UBIKMapArea
    • UBIKScanArea
    • UBIKContentArea (due to significant changes to the Document section)
  • UBIKChildArea now supports customizable sub-tabs for child list filter presets.