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HowTo:Install UBIK Web Service

43 bytes added, 10:45, 5 June 2014
Prior to the installation of an {{UBIK}} Web Service make sure to have a [http://www.iis.net/ Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)] available and configured accordingly. If not read the instructions how to [[Install_Microsoft_IIS|install]] and [[Configure_Microsoft_IIS_for_UBIK|configure]] an IIS for {{UBIK}}.
== Installing {{UBIK}} Content Web Service ==# Creating Create a new directory in the ''wwwroot'' directory of the IIS installation (default: ''c:\inetpub\wwwroot'')# Copying Copy the components of the {{UBIK}} Web Service into the (new) directory# [[UBIK_Web_Service_Configuration|Configure]] the web service by changing parameters in the ''web.config'' file
# Create a new web applicaton as described [[UBIK_Web_Service#Create_new_Web_Application|here]]
# [[UBIK_Web_Service_Configuration|Configure]] the authentication mode of the web service either
## using Single Local Application
## using a Local or Global Application Service
 == Installing {{UBIK}} Authentication Web Service ==
== See also ==