/* Mapping configuration */
* This section defines the ClassMapping (as mentioned above) for mapping XML elements to {{UBIK}} MetaClasses
* Each XML element contained in the data file requires an appropriate mapping
<br/><br />
'''Example:''' map a XML element ''NameOfXmlElement'' to the MetaClass ''SAPObject''
<source lang="xml">
=== Section: <Identifier> ===
* Mapping of XML elements to key properties used to identify an {{UBIK}} object
* The syntax value of the XML attribute of the XML object in the data file will be used as key value* Identifier properties can be for example concatenated with '''AND''' or '''OR'''* Values of identifier properties can have data type {{Guid}}* If one identifier mapping has '''UsesGuid''' enabled, it will always be read as "Map tried to load the object using its Guid. The other identifier mappings will be used only, if the XML object is missing a proper XML element for the Guid identifier. '''Example:''' map XML Element element ''id1'' to property ''ID1''"
<source lang="xml">
<i2 id2 LogicalAND=”0”>ID2</id2>
<id3 UsesGuid=”1”>ID3</id3>
{| class="wikitable" | width = "80%"
! width=20% | Attribute!! width=10% |Values!! Description
| LogicalAND|| 0 or 1 || Concatenate the sequent identifier with AND (default = 1)
| UsesGuid|| 0 or 1 || Inner text of XML element will be a Guid string (default = 0)
=== Section: <Property> ===
* Mapping of XML elements to properties
* The data type of the inner texts of the XML elements in the data file must be {{Text|string}}. The casting of the values to the actual MetaProperty's data type happens internally. The user does not have to care about the data type.
* Identifier properties can be concatenated with '''AND''' or '''OR'''
* Values of identifier properties can have data type {{Guid}}
* If one identifier mapping has '''UsesGuid''' enabled, it will always be tried to load the object using its Guid. The other identifier mappings will be used only, if the XML object is missing a proper XML element for the Guid identifier.
'''Example:''' map XML element ''id1'' to property ''ID1''
<source lang="xml">
<name>NAME</name> Map XML Element name to property NAME
<descr Value=”Fix”>DESCR</descr> Use constant value during import
<descrDE Index=”0”>TXT</descr> Access index values of properties
<descrEN Index=”1”>TXT</descr>
<meas Validate=”1”>12.45</meas> Validate property