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319 bytes added, 17:31, 11 December 2013
A MetaClassScope specifies the published meta data (MetaClass and MetaProperties) which should be accessible on the mobile device. Further, it is possible to configure the permissions granted on those objects on the mobile.
The system tries to load the most accurate MetaClassScope object, where the MetaClass of the current object serves as filter criterion. If the system can not directly locate a proper MetaClassScope it searches up the inheritance hierarchy to find the most suitable.
== Configuration ==
* Priority
> 120: im Maintenance Browser bei Auswahl der Aktivität angezeigt
=== Icons ===
* Zur Übertragung von Metaklassen spezifischen Icons muss je ein ContextScope pro Metaklasse erstellt werdenFor deploying MetaClass specific icons it is necessary to create an own MetaClassScope for each MetaClass. Otherwise, ansonsten wird das Icon der generellen Klasse übertragen the system will always deliver the icon of the most suitable MetaClassScope fitting a parent's MetaClass.
[[Category:System MetaClasses]]
[[Category:Context Scopes]]