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HowTo:Create a new MetaProperty

217 bytes removed, 13:42, 21 August 2013
=== Initial values ===
=== Change the MetaProperty’s category if necessary ===
=== Enable Value Validation ===
Check the NEEDSVALIDATION setting of the MetaPropertyto enable value validation and let the system explicitely store a validation time stamp information in the database. This is paricularly used on the mobile client in combination with the [[CLS_TASK]] and [[CLS_MEASUREMENTTASK]] classification.
If === Assign a MetaProperty has value validation enabled the system explicitely stores a validatoin time stamp information in the database. This is paricularly used on the mobile client in combination with the [[CLS_TASK]] and [[CLS_MEASUREMENTTASK]] classification. * der Wert dieser Eigenschaft muss am Client validiert, dh. zumindest einmal angeklickt, werden. Bei Verwendung der CLS_TASK Klassifizierung wird dieses Objekt als Finished gekennzeichnet, sobald ALLE solch konfigurierten MetaEigenschaften validiert sind. Value Validation object === Set a validation object to the VALUEVALIDATION setting ===of the MetaProperty.
== Using a Workflow ==
:: - Default values
:: - Initial values
==See also==