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HowTo:Create a new MetaProperty

28 bytes removed, 12:38, 21 August 2013
== Using a Workflow ==
A new [[MetaProperty]] can be created and automatically assigned to a [[MetaClass]] via the ''Create new MetaProperty'' workflow. This workflow guides the user through the creation and configuration procedure of a MetaProperty and relates it to the selected MetaClass .
# Start Workflow “System / Without the workflow the user has to complete the following steps: Step 1: Create new MetaProperty ” from instance# Navigate to the context menuMetaClass ''CUSTOMMETAPROPERTY''# Create a new instance
# Set at least name, description and data type
# Change the MetaProperty ’s MetaProperty’s category if necessary
# Save the changes
# Optional configuration:
:: - Initial values
== Technical implementation ==Step 2: Relate the instance of MetaProperty to a MetaClass Without # Open the workflow control “Class Details”# Set the designated MetaClass to the control# Add the MetaProperty either by dragging and dropping the MetaProperty's instance onto the MetaClass or by clicking the [[File:IC_PlusGreen.png|20px|Add MetaProperty button]] button in the menu# By clicking on the [[File:IC_PlusGreen.png|20px|Add MetaProperty button]] button the user has to complete navigate through the following steps:hierarchy to the appropriate MetaProperty
Step 1: Create == Using a Workflow ==A new [[MetaProperty instance# Navigate ]] can be created and automatically assigned to the a [[MetaClass ]] via the ''CUSTOMMETAPROPERTYCreate new MetaProperty''workflow. This workflow guides the user through the creation and configuration procedure of a MetaProperty and relates it to the selected MetaClass . # Start Workflow “System / Create a new instanceMetaProperty ” from the context menu
# Set at least name, description and data type
# Change the MetaProperty’s MetaProperty ’s category if necessary
# Save the changes
# Optional configuration:
:: - Initial values
Step 2: Relate the instance of MetaProperty to a MetaClass
# Open the control “Class Details”
# Set the designated MetaClass to the control
# Add the MetaProperty either by dragging and dropping the MetaProperty's instance onto the MetaClass or by clicking the [[File:IC_PlusGreen.png|20px|Add MetaProperty button]] button in the menu
# By clicking on the [[File:IC_PlusGreen.png|20px|Add MetaProperty button]] button the user has to navigate through the hierarchy to the appropriate MetaProperty