/* Images */
===Naming conventions===
To obtain some kind of categorization the name of new images must start with one a prefix. Choose the most appropriate one from the below list:
* UI_ Screenshots a + b
* IL_ Illustrationen c
* SY_ Symbole UBIK, … d
* IC_ Icons, kleine Grafiken e
Mögliche Bilder / Grafiken sind:
a) Screenshots UBIK Studio
d) Symbole für UBIK Objekte (zb für MetaClass, BASECLASS, Relations, …)
e) Kleine Grafiken (Pfeile, Icons, …)
===Formats and resolutions===
Supporting images must be fomatted formatted as <code>thumb</code> to make them appear on the right side, with the following dimensions:
* Images in portrait format with 170 pixels width