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How to set up a database for MaTaP

720 bytes added, 06:03, 25 September 2024
<Descriptive text goes here= UBIK...>Studio set-up =
<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->{{TemplateA UBIK.Studio with the following plugins is needed:HowTo/Begin}}<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->* UBIK.Interface.Module.Excel.dll* UBIK.Interface.Module.Json.dll* UBIK.Interface.Module.MaTaP.dll* UBIK.Interface.Module.MRO.dll* Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base.dll* Syncfusion.Licensing.dll* Syncfusion.Compression.Base.dll
= Instructions Data structure set-up =<!-- DO NOT MODIFY THE NAME OF THIS SECTION, BUT REMOVE IT IF NOT REQUIRED --><Give step-by-step instructions, use images, ...>
= Connect to an empty Database via the UBIK.Studio =and a SystemDefinitionsUpgrade window will appear where the highest version needs to be chosen for each component.<!-- DO NOT MODIFY THE NAME OF THIS SECTION, BUT REMOVE IT IF NOT REQUIRED --><Give step-by-step instructions, use images, ..After the SystemDefinitionsUpgrade the basic data structure for MaTaP is in the database.>
= Client Configure database settings =<!-- DO NOT MODIFY THE NAME OF THIS SECTION, BUT REMOVE IT IF NOT REQUIRED --><Give step-by-step instructions, use images, ...>
<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->{{Template:HowTo/End}}<!-- DO NOT REMOVE THIS -->In the top left there is a tab called "Database" from where the Database settings window can be opened. The following settings need to be configured.
==See also==<!-- DO NOT MODIFY THE NAME OF THIS SECTION, BUT REMOVE IT IF NOT REQUIRED -->'''Data Path''': Select a data path for your database.
[[Category'''Web Service Base Url''':How-To]]Enter the base URL of the web service. Example: If the URL to the content web service of Slot01 is eg. "https://dev.mycompany.net:888/UBIK/MATAP/Slot01/CONTENT/UBIKContent.svc" the base URL would be "https://dev.mycompany.net:888/UBIK/MATAP".
{{Hint|The MaTaP web services need to be structured in a certain way. The base URL/path can be chosen as liked. From there, a folder for every slot is needed (have to be called "Slot01", "Slot02", ...) and under each slot folder, there are the Content, Push and Usam folders containing the web service.}}
[[Category:How-To|How to set up a database for MaTaP]]
[[Category:MaTaP|How to set up a database for MaTaP]]