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Xamarin XAML

1,953 bytes removed, 21 August
/* Custom Icons */ collected more details on images and moved this together with it
== Custom Icons ==
Moved to article [[Icon_Font|UBIK comes equipped with a collection of iconsXAML_Tips#Custom_Icons]] that can be easily used in your customizing. In the case that you require an icon that is not included in our icon font file, there is the possibility to use SVG path data to render your required icon in the UI. '''Path data''' is a collection of points, which combined together form a vector image. Vector images, compared to raster images like a PNG or JPG, are scalable, because they are always rendered from path data, and not from a bitmap, which has to be stretched or squished to fit your defined size.<br>  The first step is to generate path data for your icon. The easiest way is to download the [https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9wzdncrdxf41?hl=en-US&gl=US| Character Map] tool from Microsoft. This can be used to browse all installed icon files for your icon of choice. Once selected, use Tools > Xaml / Xamarin Forms to show various useful aspects of the icon. In this case, the Path Icon option can be used to generate a Path control that can be pasted directly in your xaml as follows: <source lang = "xml"><Path Fill="{StaticResource UBIKAccentColor}" Data="F1 M 8.75 1.25 L 18.75 1.25 L 18.75 18.75 L 1.25 18.75 L 1.25 8.75 L 5 8.75 L 5 6.25 L 1.25 6.25 L 1.25 1.25 L 6.25 1.25 L 6.25 5 L 8.75 5 Z M 10 2.5 L 10 5 L 12.5 5 L 12.5 2.5 Z M 2.5 5 L 5 5 L 5 2.5 L 2.5 2.5 Z M 6.25 6.25 L 6.25 8.75 L 8.75 8.75 L 8.75 6.25 Z M 2.5 10 L 2.5 12.5 L 5 12.5 L 5 10 Z M 17.5 17.5 L 17.5 2.5 L 13.75 2.5 L 13.75 6.25 L 10 6.25 L 10 10 L 6.25 10 L 6.25 13.75 L 2.5 13.75 L 2.5 17.5 Z " /> </source>{{Hint|More complicated icons will have longer and more complicated paths.}}<br> Once you have your Path control, you can customize it as [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/xamarin/xamarin-forms/user-interface/shapes/path| documented by Microsoft]. Path data generated using the above method will most likely need a Fill attribute, for example <nowiki>Fill="{StaticResource UBIKAccentColor}"</nowiki>