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1,003 bytes added, 24 June
/* DocumentMetaProxy */
== DocumentMetaProxy ==
UBIK provides a DocumentMetaProxy called '''PX_DOCUMENT''' (UID: 58c1a444-3867-41e7-84a2-bd655fb04755) that is derived from PROXYROOT. The TargetType of DocumentMetaProxies needs to be set to a FileDocumentMetaClass (e.g. a MetaClass derived from FILEDOCUMENT).The following methods need to be overridden for the InterfaceAdministration MetaClasses that are related to DocumentMetaProxies via their SYSREL_INTERFACE_ADMIN_METAPROXY relation:* GetExternalDataReader()Here it is necessary to return an object of a class that implements the abstract class ''DocumentReadFromExternalExecutionBase''. <source lang="csharp">namespace UBIK.Interface{ public struct FileDetails { public string FileName; public string FullPath; public string ContentType; public DateTime CreationTime; }  public abstract class DocumentReadFromExternalExecutionBase : InterfaceExecutionBase { ... public abstract Stream GetFilestream(DocumentProxy proxy);  public abstract bool TryGetFileDetails(DocumentProxy proxy, out FileDetails details); }}</source> * GetExternalDataWriter() 
== Properties ==