* UBIK.Studio provides the possibility to enable/disable or refresh the [[Database_View_Creation|Human readable Views via the UI]] now .
=== UBIK MATAP Prototype ===
* TurnaroundWallpaper [[Turn Around Wallpaper]] is available
* Documents Can be attached to WorkOrders and Operations/ScopeChanges
* User rights can be configured easily for Reporting, ScopeChanges [[Scope Changes]] and PunchPoints[[Punch Points]]
* Automatic generation and maintenance of Logins and UserGroips
* ScopeChanges can be created under WorkOrders
* UBIK.ServiceTask.dll is now included in the binaries
* Jobs can be dispatched to be executed on the EnterpriseService
* Executing Jobs for Projects via the [[MaTaP Admin Tool]] [[Project Page]]
* We provide a RecalculateProjectJob
* We provide a RecalculateWorkOrderJob