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Version 3.7.1 (Server)

192 bytes added, 20 March
/* Build History UBIK.Plugins */
** CUI - Exports are not triggered when processing imports any more.
** MRO - Progress and weight Calculations can handle more complex import scenarios now.
* 3.7.1 Build 15625 on 2024.03.20** OPCUA - Library update to 1.3.342.0 Version** OPCUA - Fixed a problem with missing Selective Lists** OPCUA - Fixed a problem with missing MetaProperties* 3.7.1 Build 15??? on 20232024.1103.??
** Filebased CUI - A problem with writing xml files for Comos export is solved now.
** * Opacity level on Annotations is applied when flattening into pdfs now.