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Map View (Xamarin)

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Similar to the #REDIRECT [[Map_View|map view on our other {{UBIK}} clients]], the Xamarin version displays Points of Interest (POIs) and other objects with Geo information on world maps. = Base Map =A world map is always displayed as the base layer of the map view. Depending on the "Map Type" setting (in the "AR" tab/category), different maps are used.* Standard (Open Street Map).* Satellite (Bing Maps).* Road (Bing Maps).{{Version/XamarinSince|4.5}} <gallery widths="280" heights="260">File:UI_Xamarin_Map_Road.png|alt=Road MapFile:UI_Xamarin_Map_Satellite.png|alt=Satellite Map</gallery> Some basic UI options commonly seen in map applications are available as well. For example, an indicator for the current device position, buttons to center around the current position, etc. == Customizable tile source for Bing road maps {{Version/XamarinSince|4.5}} ==Bing maps support many parameters and offer multiple servers to deliver map tiles. {{UBIK}} allows the user to customize the <code>BingRoadTilesUrl</code> in a profile to achieve the following.* Use different servers to get the more reliable and suitable tiles service if necessary;* Specify a language/culture in which the tiles should be delivered;* Or even request different types of Bing map tiles. By default (namely <code>BingRoadTilesUrl</code> is unspecified), the following URL pattern is used. <code><nowiki>http://ak.dynamic.t{s}.tiles.virtualearth.net/comp/ch/{quadkey}?mkt=en-US&amp;amp;it=G,L&amp;amp;shading=hill&amp;amp;og=2290&amp;amp;n=z&amp;amp;token={k}</nowiki></code> In this case, all tiles are delivered in English since that's requested through <code><nowiki>mkt=en-US</nowiki></code>. Please refer to [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/rest-services/common-parameters-and-types/supported-culture-codes supported culture codes] from Microsoft when you want tiles in other languages. {{Hint|Microsoft also provides a Chinese server URL pattern<br/> <code><nowiki>https://dynamic.t{s}.tiles.ditu.live.com/comp/ch/{quadkey}?mkt=zh-CN&amp;amp;it=G,L&amp;amp;ur=CN&amp;amp;og=804&amp;amp;n=z&amp;amp;token={k}</nowiki></code>.<br/> Just for clarification, it is also possible to request map tiles in Chinese using the default URL pattern as long as the correct culture code is specified, namely <code><nowiki>mkt=zh-Hans</nowiki></code>, <code><nowiki>mkt=zh-Hant</nowiki></code> or <code><nowiki>mkt=zh-CN</nowiki></code>.<br/> But the dedicated one might deliver tiles that comply more to the local laws. Please choose one that you see fit.}} [[Category:Client|Map View (Xamarinoutdated)]][[Category:Version 1.1|Map View (Xamarin)]][[Category:Xamarin|Map View (Xamarin)]] = UBIK Map Content =On the base map, {{UBIK}} can display different kinds of content with Geo information. == Geo POIs ==For each object carrying [[SYSCLS_GEO|Geo coordinates]], {{UBIK}} displays a map pin on the map accordingly. The object's icon (if any) is also included in the map pin. Like in the [[POI_View_(Xamarin)|POI view]], you can select or deselect POIs. The options available on selected POIs are described in section [[POI_View_(Xamarin)#Interact_with_POIs|"Interact with POIs"]]. == Map Overlays ==[[File:UI_Xamarin_Map_Overlay.png|thumb|alt=Map Overlay|Map Overlay]]Sometimes more detailed maps are needed for specific and smaller regions, e.g. a factory. Map overlays are such image based maps that are displayed on top of the base map. The placement of an overlay is determined by [[SYSCLS_MAPOVERLAY|certain configurations on the overlay object]]. Here's an article on how to [[HowTo:Create_Image_Map_Overlays]]. {{Clear}} == Map Shapes ==[[File:UI_Xamarin_Map_Shape.png|thumb|alt=Map Shape|Map Shape]]Map shapes can be considered as map overlays defined in a different data format.* Like map overlays, they are displayed on top of the base map;* Unlike map overlays, their display content as well as placements on the map are defined in [https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shapefiles shapefiles]. Details can be found [[SYSCLS_MAPSHAPE|here]]. {{Clear}} == Group, Building & Level ==The way Geo POIs can be grouped and displayed accordingly in the map view is exactly the same as in the [[POI_View_(Xamarin)#Group.2C_Building_.26_Level|POI view]]. In addition, other types of map content like map overlays & shapes can also belong to groups, buildings or levels. The displaying of them follows the same rules. == Show on map {{Version/XamarinSince|1.3}} ==When you execute the NavigateToMapPageCommand from a context object (e.g. ContentViewModel, ContentPageViewModel, ContentListItemViewModel, etc.), the map view will be opened with that context object. This includes:* Entering necessary POI groups, buildings or building levels so that the context object is visible on the map;* Centering the map around the context object;* Selecting the POI for the context object automatically. (Once you start interacting with the map by e.g. entering another building, the selected states will most likely change.) {{Attention|Unlike executing the NavigateToMapPageCommand from a place without a context object, doing so with one will additionally check the validity of that object, namely if it at least [[SYSCLS_GEO|has geo information]]. If not, the command will be disabled.}}
[[Category:Client|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Version 1.1|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Map View (Xamarin)]]