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Version 4.5.0 (Server)

76 bytes added, 4 January
* The UBIK database access layer was stabilized wrt. concurrency, in order to avoid DB-deadlocks.
* UBIK Web Service supports up to TLS1.2 now.
* A couple of errors when saving meta data using SmartStudio were fixed.
* The namespace for MRO - classification - properties changed from System.MRO to System.Classification.MRO.
[[Category:Server|Version 4.5.0 (Server)]][[Category:Version 4.5|Version 4.5.0 (Server)]]
== Enhancements ==
== Known Issues ==
* Exclusive Access Queries are currently not supported by the UBIK Kernel.
[[Category:Server|Version 4.5.0 (Server)]]
[[Category:Version 4.5|Version 4.5.0 (Server)]]