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Version 4.6 (Xamarin)

540 bytes added, 15:24, 29 November 2023
== Preview ==
=== 4.6.1 2 on 2023-??11-?? 29 {{key press|App Center}} ===
* An arbitrary object can now be accessed in the UI via UID with the [[XAML_Tips#Access_to_an_arbitrary_object|ObjectByUID]] feature.
* It's now possible to scan barcodes and QR codes and apply [[Optical_code#Scan_with_code_affixes|code affixes]] during the searches.
== Known issues ==
* Sometimes, objects shift their positions in the lists after being edited. We found out that this is related to the 3rd party list control we use and are considering replacing it. However, this will take some more time in order to make all features we build around the control still function.
* Currently, the Samsung keyboard doesn't show {{key press|,}} at all, regardless of the current language/locale setting of the device. Please use a different virtual keyboard (e.g. Gboard from Google) instead if {{key press|.}} is unacceptable.