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Xamarin XAML

233 bytes added, 07:56, 29 August 2023
/* Performance */ linked the first mention of HeadlessLayout to the layout compression section below it
* Always keep your UI structure simple. Choose the most efficient layouts for the scenarios and avoid unnecessary UI elements. Please refer to [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/deploy-test/performance#choose-the-correct-layout "choose the correct layout"] and [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/deploy-test/performance#reduce-the-visual-tree-size "reduce the visual tree size"];
* Turn on [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/user-interface/layouts/layout-compression layout compression] on wrapping elements that don't have any visual parameters set (reasons stated in the linked documentation).
{{Hint|There is a default "HeadlessLayout" style available in the app you can use on elements such as Grids, StackLayouts, ContentViews, etc. It turns on [[Xamarin_XAML#Layout_compression_examples|layout compression ]] on the applied elements in Xamarin.Android (since we find it not worth the effort in Xamarin.iOS).}}
{{Attention|If possible, one should always favor designing the UI with less wrapping elements over turning on layout compression on unnecessary ones.}}
When using multiple Lists on one page (e.g. in a TabbedView), it is necessary to set the AutomationId property uniquely for each list on the page, to support the remembering of the ScrollPosition.
[[Category:Client|Xamarin XAML]]
[[Category:Pages with broken file links|Xamarin XAML]]
[[Category:Styling|Xamarin XAML]]
[[Category:XAML|Xamarin XAML]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Xamarin XAML]]
= Known issues =